Um, ive ssen alot of ppl posting topics like "mission 4 help me". Are all these ppl using the warez version ??? Or do some ppl have the real full game, like how some ppl had the sp demo 5 days before it was "officially" released.
And if those people are using the warez version, they can just go fuck themselves, cuz thats just being plain stupid.
none of these buttmunches have the full game..they are running the WAREZ version and if they TRY and State otherwise they are just *trying* to cover their ass....
but justice is being far at least 1 person has been banned from the forums,and Gamespy has taken the MOH:AA FULL game online room offline until the release date...that way they cannot play their WArez version online right now....
Yeah, I have the warez version but I pre-ordered the game anyways, so what is the harm? Illegal, yes. Immoral, no. That's the way I see it and telling me to "f myself" won't change me one bit.