¤DeZiGn WaRz : ThE wAr CoNtInUeZ¤ -
05-03-2003, 09:31 PM
Ok... as you know this is a dezign wars! oOo: Here Are The Rules:
§The dezign must be 400x150 Pixels
§The dezign must be based on WW2
§The dezign may say a quote or saying of your choice ***NOTE*** The quote or saying must be war related and must be a positive saying, dont say like "Die You F***ERS!" <-- Nuthin like that!
Those are the rules, please follow them!
And the date that it will be due is Friday, The 9th, I think, I not positive! So there are the rules so get started!
***P.S. I tried to do a design warz, b4, and I admit i was trying to get a good sig, but trust me it's not for a good sig!*** biggrin:
Ok, so what your basically saying is "Shut up don't try dezign wars you suck, get lost?" Why can't I try dezign wars? Why do I suck? Why should i get lost??? oOo:
OK, Lone! I understand that biggrin: But for all those other dip shitz, tell me why! Why not to do another dezign warz, or Why to get lost! ect. ect. ect.
OK, Lone! I understand that biggrin: But for all those other dip shitz, tell me why! Why not to do another dezign warz, or Why to get lost! ect. ect. ect.
y not make another? well i already said there is one already no need to make anonther and get lost? i got mad alittle and said that but just dont do it any more
Whoever wins the Design wars gets to choose the theme for the next one, like I the first one and chose the theme of Art of Anatomy for the second design wars, then Buckweed won that round and he chose Movies, now the winner of the "Movie" themed design war gets to pick the next topic for design wars, not you
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
05-04-2003, 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Fallout
Ok, here's why:
Whoever wins the Design wars gets to choose the theme for the next one, like I the first one and chose the theme of Art of Anatomy for the second design wars, then Buckweed won that round and he chose Movies, now the winner of the "Movie" themed design war gets to pick the next topic for design wars, not you
[quote="Lone$niper":3ced5]umm first there is already a designz war held and stop being a asshole by starting a new hole war for art! dam! mad: spam.. hake:[/quote:3ced5]