Look in your MOHAA/main folder for a file with a .pk3 extension. (You can open them with WinZip) There will no doubt be many there, but fish around and see what types of files are in them. The really big .pk3's are usually the stock maps that come with the game.
ok...this is pretty simple. the only pk3's that mohaa installs is the map packs. correct me anyone if i am wrong. anything else .pk3 you yourself have put there. give us some more information of the accusation. i can help you if i know more info regarding this.
Its weird, the server that i have been playing on for the last 3 months, nothing was ever wrong, now i am getting accused for no reason.
In one of the custom maps, can remember the name, there is an elevator, i heard it click when he started going up it , so i threw a nade. it killed him and he got pissed off.
He said he has been watching me for 3 or 4 days, under different names and he nows i am using it. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT IT DOES!.
yhes going to ban me.
The only thing i ever put on there were, a blood mod, a laser dot, and a new scope, this was 1 month ago, now i am getting acuused not then.
I dont know what to do.
i cant talk to him becasue the second i do he will ban me.
One more thing, i did download a bunch of their custom maps that they put on their website. I took everything i have ever put on there. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WAHT IT DOES!. THANKX.
Originally Posted by riff16
Its weird, the server that i have been playing on for the last 3 months, nothing was ever wrong, now i am getting accused for no reason.
In one of the custom maps, can remember the name, there is an elevator, i heard it click when he started going up it , so i threw a nade. it killed him and he got pissed off.
He said he has been watching me for 3 or 4 days, under different names and he nows i am using it. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT IT DOES!.
yhes going to ban me.
The only thing i ever put on there were, a blood mod, a laser dot, and a new scope, this was 1 month ago, now i am getting acuused not then.
I dont know what to do.
i cant talk to him becasue the second i do he will ban me.
This sounds like an over zealous server admin. Your better off finding a better server.
If the pings are good, check out aan server at http://www.allaboutnothing.net. it's some of the old AA.com members.
the Aftermath server located at
If you just added maps then you should be OK, There are times when you add some skins that could be on the servers ban list.
well son..it can do many many things..but cuz bad bad things..its hard to explain cuz there is a few different ones around. im not gonna be the one to entice you..so lets just say they suck and they blow at the same time