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05-07-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by ANGELDUST
I am truley sorry for the out burst i was WAY out of line I should have just looked away but sadly i did not my bad !
If i had known he was 13 I would have responded in a totaly differant manner.
I surely would not have cust him!
His profile dose not suggest his age again this dose not justify my reaction but i am only human and can only take so much lashing I responded stupidly and would like to extend my deepest appolagies to the 13 year old please except my regrets i cant remember his name!!!
also to all in the AA forams who have to read the slander i wrote i am truley sorry!
| know what..i dont know about anyone else but for me you just gained back some respect. you could have just left and forgot about it or told me to go f... myself. but you didnt. i get the same crap on my server. i play the game windowed with auto kick running in the background. when a jackass enters my server and starts crap. my regulars all start to say goodbye to him and laugh because they know whats comming next. i just hit the alt. tab button and kick and ban him from my server without giving it a second thought. i dont argue with these guys for a second. not worth my time. getting back the topic at hand..if what happened in your server is true. and i know if it is. but if it is and he used bad language twards the girl or anyone else in your server then you were toally justified for banning him from your server. i would have done the same thing. a lot of the problem is the public servers. some guys go wild in those things with cheats..language..respawn killing..its a giant free for all and a total mess. then they enter a privately operated server and think it works the same way..WEL IT DOEANT. at least not on my server and it sounds like not yours either. id be interested in visiting your server to see it for my self. your welcome to try mine. ive got a lot of mods on my server as well. just follow the link under my sig to my page..youll find the ip to my server there. its up every evining from about 7 till 11 week days and later on weekends.
 American Reich |
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American Reich -
05-07-2003, 06:04 PM
Hmmm, Well I don’t know about the rest of you guys but people that come in here like NOCTIS bragging about him self is not verry impressive. Seems like the only thing he IS coming in here to bitch about is his little friend Allied Girl. The ONLY one who invited him and like we give a shit who invited who. It is a loss to our clan losing her but she didn't see the same way the clan did, it happens and I don’t have any hard feelings about it. But I don’t feel that bitching about our forum is gonna hurt us much little man. I’ve seen lots of ppl come into the server with cheats on and the console has made sure the ppl have been caught. Now the ppl that have been banned for the wrong reason we apologize. We have had over 20,000 NEW I.P.s enter the server in the last 3 months and that’s not including the return ppl. I have personally seen more return ppl in the server than new and I play a lot. Now if we ban SOOOO many ppl than that would not be so don’t ya think? Noctis I don’t doubt you are a skilled player but in playing this game I have seen people that can match or beat your score in half the time it takes you to achieve it. So how do we know who is cheating and who’s not. I know AS IM SURE YOU DO that there are a lot of cheats that are not detectable even by the MOST advanced cheat detecting software so if I go into my server and see the person with the top kills has for an example 45 kills and only 5 deaths that looks really funny and for a person who SAYS he has run a world class server so to speak you sure don’t know much about how hard it is to catch cheaters. A good example would be id you where in a server and your soo good at this game, you had top kills and had lets say 40 kills and only 8 deaths. Not bad for a guy that has been playing this game since it’s come out. But right below you is a kid who has only had the game for 2 weeks and is matching you kill for kill because he has installed a nice little wall hack or aim bot. Now here’s my question to you Mr. Server….. how do you know who's cheating. They have the same score, same kills and deaths and have both been in there the same time. Well following them would be good but you don’t see anything out of the ordinary just making some nice shots as is the player who is not cheating. What do you do….. Not an easy decision for a person. Maybe they’re just both that good. Only the cheater knows what’s going on. So how do YOU know? The answer is no one does. I’ve personally followed some ppl that I know for a fact have been playing this game for awhile and know they don’t cheat, make some really NICE shots. But I’ve seen cheaters make those shots too. But I don’t know them, how long they have been playing the game ect. So we go with our gut. We are sorry if we banned ppl that are legit but we are only human. This is supposed to be fun, no ones perfect (but we try LOL). This post doesn’t need to be responded to by all who read it just to bring out how hard it is to keep game play fair for the little people who just got the game and wanted to try some online fun or for those who are just not quite as good as the people who have had this game since it came out. Just think about what was said here it’s a great server, a great CLAN I love you all for sticking together and standing your ground. This really show what the (RAT_PACK) is made of, and believe me this little adventure will make our clan stronger and better than the next. If we shut down the server for every piss ant that has a problem, this server would have been gone long ago. People that come in here and play for 10 min then go and post on the forum shouldn’t be taken too seriously. For every 1 legit player, there are 10 who are dishonest (cheaters, hackers, ect.). Also this is our house and you are a guest, disrespectful guests are not welcome, as they would not be at your house. As for No Faced Killer I’m with him I will wear my (RAT_PACK) name with pride, as will DarthBudice and Goodtimes. We ARE (RAT_PACK) and will always be.

05-07-2003, 06:14 PM
taking that strictly as i read it because ive never been on your server. i agree completely with what you say. ive made some tough calls on players myself. thinkin. is this guy that good or does he have help. the give away for me is a guy runs into a building. up the stairs around the corner. fires a shot and kills a player who never fired a shot. a few of those and i gota believe he got help and i kick him out. was he just lucky?? i dont know. but i have to go with my gut feeling about it. its the admins job to keep the server as clean as he can. i guess it comes down to this. or at least this is how i justify it to myself. SOMETIMES YOU MUST SACRIFICE A FEW FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. being and amin aint as easy as it looks if your trying to do it right. just my thoughts on the matter.
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05-07-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by BUTCH
Originally Posted by ANGELDUST
I am truley sorry for the out burst i was WAY out of line I should have just looked away but sadly i did not my bad !
If i had known he was 13 I would have responded in a totaly differant manner.
I surely would not have cust him!
His profile dose not suggest his age again this dose not justify my reaction but i am only human and can only take so much lashing I responded stupidly and would like to extend my deepest appolagies to the 13 year old please except my regrets i cant remember his name!!!
also to all in the AA forams who have to read the slander i wrote i am truley sorry!
| know what..i dont know about anyone else but for me you just gained back some respect. you could have just left and forgot about it or told me to go f... myself. but you didnt. i get the same crap on my server. i play the game windowed with auto kick running in the background. when a jackass enters my server and starts crap. my regulars all start to say goodbye to him and laugh because they know whats comming next. i just hit the alt. tab button and kick and ban him from my server without giving it a second thought. i dont argue with these guys for a second. not worth my time. getting back the topic at hand..if what happened in your server is true. and i know if it is. but if it is and he used bad language twards the girl or anyone else in your server then you were toally justified for banning him from your server. i would have done the same thing. a lot of the problem is the public servers. some guys go wild in those things with cheats..language..respawn killing..its a giant free for all and a total mess. then they enter a privately operated server and think it works the same way..WEL IT DOEANT. at least not on my server and it sounds like not yours either. id be interested in visiting your server to see it for my self. your welcome to try mine. ive got a lot of mods on my server as well. just follow the link under my sig to my page..youll find the ip to my server there. its up every evining from about 7 till 11 week days and later on weekends.
Thanks man ill stop by soon I really apritiate you giving me a second chance i really do!!!
As far as you comming to our server welcome anytime it can be difficult to get in it satys kinda packed.
I am not bosting but somtimes i have to use a private slot when one is open just so i can play i hate doing a curtisy kick for myself but sometimes i have to i try and find the highest ping when i do that though
Thanks again
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05-07-2003, 06:31 PM
The new aimbot is rather easy to spot. Skinhackers (ie skins that show thru walls) aren't so easy to spot.. Unless you have the same hack loaded on your system.
A true recommendation of mine for all admins who are 100% dedicated to keeping their server cheat free is to do some research, go find the hack and use it when you spectate players.
I've tested a certain cheat and have used it to spectate players I suspected and I have exposed just about as many players as I have seen players who (using the hack) are obviously not cheating.
It's all very well saying "Well, he was looking at someone through a wall and shot them before they had a chance to react" but play the game long enough, wear nice headphones and that kind of natural ESP is possible (and I see it all the time).
However, load up this cheat, and you can see what they would see if they are cheating.
If you see someone through a wall and the player you are spectating ignores them, then you have a non-cheater.
It takes about 2 minutes of spectating for this to happen in a busy server. If it doesn't happen and your player follows other players around the map with his crosshair then you have a cheater.
Best tool is to use their tools.

05-07-2003, 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Ydiss
The new aimbot is rather easy to spot. Skinhackers (ie skins that show thru walls) aren't so easy to spot.. Unless you have the same hack loaded on your system.
A true recommendation of mine for all admins who are 100% dedicated to keeping their server cheat free is to do some research, go find the hack and use it when you spectate players.
I've tested a certain cheat and have used it to spectate players I suspected and I have exposed just about as many players as I have seen players who (using the hack) are obviously not cheating.
It's all very well saying "Well, he was looking at someone through a wall and shot them before they had a chance to react" but play the game long enough, wear nice headphones and that kind of natural ESP is possible (and I see it all the time).
However, load up this cheat, and you can see what they would see if they are cheating.
If you see someone through a wall and the player you are spectating ignores them, then you have a non-cheater.
It takes about 2 minutes of spectating for this to happen in a busy server. If it doesn't happen and your player follows other players around the map with his crosshair then you have a cheater.
Best tool is to use their tools.
thanks for the advice..its as good as anything else ive heard. believe it or not i feel bad after kicking a player without being able to be 100% sure if hes cheating or not. i try to be as fair as i can yet keeping my server and its regulars happy. its a tough job for a true server admin trying to do it right.
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05-07-2003, 07:05 PM
[quote:c995f]Why Retards Shouldn't Be Server Admins
This server was, by far, the absolute worst I've ever visited. That includes servers run from cable modems
Okay, flaming aside, if you want to be a good server admin, visit this place and learn what not to do. Oh, and for God's sake don't win
It's the "American Reich Server" @
Server changed from AA to Spearhead, probably even worse now.
Enjoy! =)
Maybe this thread should be called WHY RETARDS SHOULDN'T BE FORUM MODERATORS.
Ya know what bud? Your opinion is worthless. I have been friends with Angel Dust for about a year and he does have a failing with getting a little excited some times. He is a good guy who puts a lot of time in to running a clean server. I love the Tank Mod he put in because it keeps LOSERS from spawn killing over and over again and calling it skill. I do not like the fact that i can not vote for changes on his server. I have never told him this. YOU KNOW WHY????????????
IT'S HIS SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you dont like it dont be a little kiddie and flame just because you can get away with it on the net. Go to another server and get over your little self. Angel Dust is not perfect nor is his server, but it is a great place to game. Maybe at 13 you have not realized yet that online gaming is not real life? It is just for fun. Please don't flame people that don't look for trouble. That shows a real lack of character and maturity. If you dont like the server, then go game somewhere else. And i will say thanks for Angel for all of the free advertising you gave Regardless of what you say it is a good server to game on. Have fun all and game on.
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05-07-2003, 07:22 PM
I really must say that by Noctis posting a bullsh*t session of a thread pounding on their server (and only having replied 3 times) has turned out for the best. I mean just look at the 3 or 4 of us ADMINS that keep resonding to each other with new ideas and info. It's good to see that the FLAME war didn't last more than 5 posts and the rest are mostly long thought out and honest. Thats a great idea Ydiss and i thank you for the info . I to have "followed" suspected cheaters and it's a tough call alot of times so i know where you guys are coming from. It just sux that some TOOL has to cry and whine about a game so much... it's a game guys. Some people just need to relax.
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05-07-2003, 08:59 PM
guess i was WRONG about the flame war.... thinks it time we dropped the subject and moved on?

05-07-2003, 09:02 PM
I have to agree, Noctis didnt have to go make a whole thread dissing you guys because he was kicked. I think you were all just doing what you thought was right, i would have done the same. But after all this that you've said, I have to think again. That is extremely childish of you to get all agrrivated about this (same goes with Noctis) but i mean drop it. Settle this dispute somewhere else.
And what i do to check for cheaters is, i have 2 MOHAA's, one loaded with cheats, the other is cheat free. If i suspect someone is cheating, i quit, load up the cheat MOH, and spectate the suspected player. Its easy to tell, especially if you see them following a guy through a wall with his crosshari. When you see that, i press kick and ban, and hes gone
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05-07-2003, 09:11 PM
Bad Form Goodtimes.
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05-07-2003, 09:13 PM
I'm guys flame away. Only losers have to flame to feel important. So knock it off.

05-07-2003, 10:38 PM
it was actually a pretty good thread for the most part. that dont happen around here much. i enjoyed reading other admins ideas and thoughts on their servers.
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05-07-2003, 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by ANGELDUST
you are a stupid ass hole if i am a noob then thats fine i have a life besides games little boy so suck a fat dick you fucken jerk off and go get some art lessons fag
Do you talk to your son with that mouth? Yikes, it's sad that you're 32... most of us stopped using gay insults when we're 16... I'm 15, so I can still use them. evil:
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05-08-2003, 01:45 AM
I fully agree with Hi_Ping. Crazy mods can be fun as hell. Try playing Southern France on the LMAO server. You can use a ladder to climb up to a high balcony, and even get yourself set on fire and run around screaming. And in V2, spawn as allies and roast you some beef on the fire at the spawn. lmao, that server is modded to hell, and it makes it 10x more fun to play. Excellent mods Hi_Ping. biggrin:
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