This just bites, got into the church with 2 guys, other two got wasted in a fire fight by hiding behind a couple of pebbles in the middle of the street. Anyway I'm sitting there sniping Krauts thinking that my 2 guys will cover my ass right? Wrong!!! I get shot in the back, so I get up turn around and the damn Kraut is standing between them shooting me.
Blasted him... Nice and toasty dead!!
Get pissed at Mister Pathfinder and his smug face.
Blam... Blam two to the head, that felt better.
Don't understand this though, I just shot him twice in head and he just stands there staring at me. His buddy stands there watching me plug him.. Told you they like to get shot.. It'd be wild if it was like Deus Ex, shoot a nonenemy NCF, and they all ape on you. They forget about your indiscretions as soon as you exit the level, but still it's not hard to do, change one flag from friend to foe!!!
Oh and ADS, I know the enemies aren't stupid, I wish my guys had their brains, crack shots with a death wish.
And I'll diss MOHAA if I want. How the hell is 2015 going to know if the game needs improvements if everybody just shuts their trap and says "Yay it's soooooo coooooool, like nothing wrong with it maaaaan".
I love the demo so far, or I wouldn't be still playing it. I'm just posting a few things I find funny with it. Who knows maybe the first patch will includes improvs because of crap we post.
Remember Dieppe