Re: oooooooooooooooo -
05-14-2003, 10:41 PM
[quote="[KGM]Cmndr.Stuca[U-571]":b7982]so thats the bayonet that killed Pvt. Mellish in saving private ryan
if i dont remember let me refesh ur mind......
Mellish and another guy from the 101st are in the second floor of this hotel and their 30.Caliber machine gun runs out of ammo and their pussy ammo bearer chickened out and wouldnt come their stuck up there screaming for him to come asnd give em more ammo... then where everything goes wrong... a stick grenadelands in the room their in but Mellish throw it back out and it explodes then another lands and the guy from the 101st throws it out farther and it explodes then the road they r chewing up goes silent then they hear this THUNK...THUNK...THUNK...THUNK... and they hold their fire thinking its their ammo bearer and mellish calls out "Upham?...Upham?" and the guy from the 101st shoots a burst from his tommy and the hear a THUNK and blood flows into the room then silently a german comes up and fires a round through one of the holes in the wall... and 1 round from a mauser goes through the guy from the 101t's throat and hes rolling around on the floor... but mellish only 1 round left in his m1 clipso they get in a fist fight... VERY VERY brutal biting each other's hands and then mellish pulls out his m1 bayonet and trys to plunge it to his heart but he loses the bayonet and te german gets it and he yells at him and loses part of his strength ad it goes into his heart very VERY slowly and he like wispering stop stop stop! but he finally dies...sad very sad.[/quote:b7982]
that part always gets to me 4real, cause eariler in the movie he crys when he picks up the hitler boyscouts knife after normandy i think. great movie