Grab any realism mod you can find and open it with PAKscape or winRAR. (Use a mod instead of the actual pak game files incase you mess up something.)
Extract the files to somewhere on your computer and edit the weapon .tik files with notepad. (you will know them when you see them...m1.tik,thimpson.tik,ect.)
The code inside the .tik file might seem confusing at first but if you look closely, you can almost see english happy: changing ammo value i believe is startmmo x (where x will be the number)
Replace the files inside the mod with the edited ones and put the mod into the main or mainta folder and start the game and give it a try.
[quote="newfie-gunner":19f82]i dont have that stuff and im not a moder i just wanted to know if there was a mod out there taht could do it cool: mwah:[/quote:19f82]
There are plenty of mods that change ammo amounts. BTW, all those programs are free and this mod is extremely easy.
newfie gunner are u in that clan (B&A) or something like that? because i saw some one who just happened to have that name landsharking in our server, and thats not cool
o know i land shark only if i see others cheating is when i do it so shut the **** up and u r right it isnt cool to cheat so maby u should tell others not to and i wont mad: mad: mad: mad: