If I am playing MOH and someone messages me on AIM, or Windows prompts me for something, the screen is minimized. Once this happens, I cannot get it back up to continue playing. Does anyone else have this problem, if the game is minimized?
I don't have this problem with any other games like RTCW, Ghost Recon, or SWAT3.
Yeah, you know how you try to regain focus of a window by clicking on the window on the task bar? The window stays minimized. Right clicking the window only gives the close option. I clicked the window on the task bar and waited 10 minutes, just in case it took that long, but it stays minimized.
Any more ideas as to what could cause this? To test it, you could try alt-tab, to see if you could gain focus of another window behind it, although that may not work. I would have someone message you with aim or something while you are playing, and see if it minimizes it.
same thing happened to me while i was simultaneously using winmx. afterward, i just double-clicked on the minimized medal of honor window on the taskbar and waited a few minutes as i gazed sleepily at the grey screen of death.
I have Windows XP Professional. I am using an ATI All In Wonder Radeon 7200 (soon replacing with a Hercules 3D Prophet III GeForce3 Titanium 64MB 200) with a SOYO K7VTA Pro motherboard with an AMD 1.43ghz processor. I tried the compatibility mode, but I don't see why it would help if the game runs fine anyway.
Initially, every time I tried to play the game, it would run for about 5 minutes max, and then freeze my system. I tried everything, reinstalling drivers, turning down hardware acceleration...I reghosted my system with the image I made when I installed XP for the first time, ran the Windows Update (specifically the Creative Labs driver update) and it worked fine from then on.
I can minimize in Windows 2000 and restore it without any problem. It has a lot to do with your OS version, your windows' settings and even your hardware. I think if yours won't restore it probably won't anyway. Sorry.
I've never used AIM but look at preference and look for something like "Always on Top", "Pop-up for events" and such options and try to disable it and see what happens.