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MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

View Poll Results: Like realism?
Love it 24 51.06%
it sux 17 36.17%
don't care 6 12.77%
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Re: so funny
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Default Re: so funny - 05-15-2003, 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by Tiwaz
People who are good at rifling have to agree with me: If you drop your rifle and pick up an MG, you're amazed how powerful it is.
If you can beat me while I am carrying the M1, then you can beat me if I have the mg in my hands. I dont feel I ahve any drop off by having the M1 and actually believe I play better with it. I measure my shots better. I tend to get sloppy with the mg and i just plain love the sound of the m1. The accuracy, especially at range, is deadly.
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Default 05-15-2003, 01:02 PM

i used to be a realism whore simply because i hated shotguns ... i love the rifle in realism. i tried to play it the other day (ckr) and i thought i was gonna scream ... no one moves ... and if you do move you get mowed down in a sec . ill take rockets and shotguns over stgs and bars anyday ...
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Default 05-15-2003, 01:05 PM

... forgot , the stg sucks !!!! best weapon in realism .. blah. that pos is for nubs that cant hit shit (wintersforge)... Anytime i play axis i use the kar ...
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Default 05-15-2003, 02:28 PM

I am effective with the rifle in stock or realism, however the the bolt rifles are designed more for defensive play, if you find the right spot...and can shoot strait, you can be very effective with any rifle in mohaa or spearhead.
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Default 05-19-2003, 12:51 AM

im not a fan of realism
It's like with more gay jokes.
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Default 05-19-2003, 09:30 AM

[quote="Simo Häyhä":2bb12]im not a fan of realism[/quote:2bb12]yea, i know u arent. The other day i saw u in a server, i called ure name,but u didnt reply,anyways, i ran up to u and tried to kill ya with my sniper, but u rifled me in my freakin head fire1: / fire2: / mad:

Anyways, i dont like realism very much at all, but have started playing on it just a little bit more lately b/c the m1 works great on it, but i guess most of u guys r saying " what weapon doesnt foo"?
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Default 05-19-2003, 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by Judas
i used to be a realism whore simply because i hated shotguns ... i love the rifle in realism. i tried to play it the other day (ckr) and i thought i was gonna scream ... no one moves ... and if you do move you get mowed down in a sec . ill take rockets and shotguns over stgs and bars anyday ...
Don't you hate what stock did to the Garand?

Patton said it was "the greatest battle implement of WWII",
MOHAA said that Garands sucked ass and a squad of guys named Billy-Bob and Cletus could take out the whole third reich with their shotguns oOo:

who you gonna trust?
Patton or EA?
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geRV is Offline
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Default 05-19-2003, 10:11 AM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":b5d39]
Originally Posted by Judas
i used to be a realism whore simply because i hated shotguns ... i love the rifle in realism. i tried to play it the other day (ckr) and i thought i was gonna scream ... no one moves ... and if you do move you get mowed down in a sec . ill take rockets and shotguns over stgs and bars anyday ...
Don't you hate what stock did to the Garand?

Patton said it was "the greatest battle implement of WWII",
MOHAA said that Garands sucked ass and a squad of guys named Billy-Bob and Cletus could take out the whole third reich with their shotguns oOo:

who you gonna trust?
Patton or EA?[/quote:b5d39]

Yeah and since patton said it then its the word of god right.... oOo:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 05-19-2003, 10:28 AM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":4edcc]Don't you hate what stock did to the Garand?

Patton said it was "the greatest battle implement of WWII",
MOHAA said that Garands sucked ass and a squad of guys named Billy-Bob and Cletus could take out the whole third reich with their shotguns oOo:

who you gonna trust?
Patton or EA?[/quote:4edcc]

Some bullshit eh. Comapre Patton to EA, is comparing MoHAA to reality. And that is exactly what many people do.

In stock, the Garand is fine. I can't help that you find it difficult to hit people two, three times (depends on health of the opponents and the area you hit, most of the time 1 headshot is enough) with eight bullets.
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Default 05-19-2003, 10:34 AM

Edit: I find it strange that lots of CKR-worshippers always bring up the shotgun. There weren't too many MG's in use in WWII either (yet another stupid WWII comparison, I'll admit that). But in realism, it looks like, well, you know. And I prefer a shotgun above a realism STG any day. I have never been sniped by a shotgun you see. Even more, I prefer the shotgun to be disabled.

- If you can't hit shit in stock, take a big gun in CKR and it will be your friend. All of a sudden, you can kill people. Wow!

- If you're good at the game, you'll do fine in stock as well as in realism.
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Default 05-19-2003, 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by Tiwaz
Even more, I prefer the shotgun to be disabled.
you know the stock worshippers are going to try to hang you for saying you like shotguns disabled

I find that most of the people who use STG in CKR are the same gay lamers who use shotgun in stock. So in the end, both versions of the game have people who just grab the cheap weapon (so they can look good), but I find CKR more enjoyable because it makes you think before you rush out (or use a friend to provide cover fire), since strafing won't save you.

I am good at both stock and realism, but I just get sick of dogfighting the enemy like I'm in a console flightsim biggrin:
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Default 05-19-2003, 12:26 PM

My my, where do I begin?

I'll start by saying, as I have done many many times before, that the difference between STD and CKR is not whether one requires more skill than the other. This simply is not true and anyone who uses that as an excuse for disliking either ruins their argument right there.

CKR is easier (far, far, far easier) to kill in, but much much harder to stay alive for any length of time.

STD is easier by quite a way to stay alive and is much harder to kill in.

That's it. Nutshell. In. A.

So, here're a few points I want to add to this aged and historical debate that, despite probably being said a million times here before, are still worth saying anyway.

[quote="Sgt Stryker":f2594]how useful is a bolt action rifle that requires 2 chest hits to kill when an opponent can aim a shotgun at 45 degrees away from you and still kill???[/quote:f2594]

[quote:f2594]STOCK is what sends people to the STG. Because of the unrealistic damage the Mauser is worthless, the SMGs are practically worthless.[/quote:f2594]

Flawed argument, I'm afraid.

First off I find the mauser to be a very skilled and powerful weapon. Without a doubt it is the weakest main weapon in STD, for the average user. It is still balanced, however. It is very possible for a mauser to easilly beat a garand if the player is clever and patient.

Secondly, and this is the main reason I totally disagree with the "mauser is weak in STD" reason that I tend to see in these arguments a lot, the mauser is not improved in CKR at all, relatively speaking.

Sure, it's as powerful as the sniper rifle in CKR and, as such, is more powerful than the STD mauser. Hooray. Pity CKR makes every other gun (including the pistols) just as powerful too.

You see, the CKR rifle is improved in relation to STD but it is not improved in relation to the other weapons in CKR, it still has the disadvantage of second-slowst recycle and equal-fewest rounds per clip with no trade-off to balance it with other faster firing weapons that are of equal power per round.

So, a player with a mauser in STD stands an equal chance of success or failure as in CKR. You cannot deny that.

That's fundamentally the problem that I have with CKR. It takes balance and throws it out of the window. The author himself said this. He never intended to create a balanced mod, he wanted to make a realistic one.

He never intended to make the mauser more powerful, he just made it into what he felt was a realistic representation of the real gun.

CKR takes all of the weapons, it brings them all to a similar level of power but neglects to change the other features to a degree that retains balance.

They all do the same damage!

It is no longer a choice of what weapon for what circumstance it is a choice of what weapon you prefer the sound of!

A truly skilled CKR player will be able to own with Bar, STG44, M1, Mauser, MP40 or Thompson. None has any particular weaknesses over the other, none is particularly more useful in any given situation.

The only problem is, the STG has more rounds than them all (except the MP40 but that's slightly less powerful and slightly less accurate, with slightly better recoil and slightly faster movement - Decisions, decisions!) and it has the fastest fire rate, is just as accurate on the first 2 rounds as any (and gets those 2 rounds off faster than any) and there is no negative trade-off (unless you don't know how to use burst fire - need I say more?).

Hence, it is the most used weapon. Bar none (no pun intended).

I was playing last night on a good CKR server and the entire Axis team was using STGs. I chose the trusty bar and ripped them to shreds.

That's 'cos I was better than them, though. I'm certain there are many players out there that would do exactly the same to me in CKR (but I bet they're all using the STG44 when they do!).

There is no balance in CKR. That's why I prefer STD.

Next quote:

Originally Posted by Zoner91
The last time I played stock, I crept up behind a sniper, but the muzzle of my M1 up to his brainstem, pulled the trigger, and the guy lived. He spun around and shot my dazed and shocked ass.
Hehe, that would be lack of STD experience, then. Same as the new player to CKR who runs out into the open and starts to pepper spray someone on the other side of the map only to see them kneel, aim and pop!

The Garand does around 90% damage to the head. Unrealistic, granted, but very well balanced.

It has 3 more rounds per clip than its counterpart and it fires markedly faster, so this small trade-off of power (and a slighter trade-off of accuracy when moving) balances it very well.

It has more power then the SMG per round and is much more accurate.

It does less damage than the MGs and has less rounds than both but is much the deadlier at longer distances (and in very close combat, too, if you can "funnel" your opponent).

What you suffered from here, Zoner, is just that lack of knowing how the weapons are balanced. 8 times out of 10 your opponent would have dropped off of a ledge before setting up camp, only had about 90 health, and your carefully aimed shot would have killed him.

But, I know that there's still a reasonable chance that my target is 100% health, and when I aim by Garand to his head I never let loose just one shot. I will always, always use the double tap (quick-fire once, aim lower, fire again). If the first shot doesn't kill him, the second will, no matter where you hit.

That's just the difference between the two modes. In STD you cannot rely on first strike as your ally. A lot of the time it will be enough. I have lost count of the times I have aimed at someone's head with the M1 when they're under fire and stolen a kill.

In retrospect, from the perspective of someone who perfers STD, I could relate your experience to the many times I have been playing CKR, carefully aimed my weapon to their head and gone to press the trigger and they've turned, seen me, sprayed their STG44 and got a flukey shot to my head from half of the map away.

I put it down to experience and admit that they beat me and carry on. Next time I'll pull that trigger a little faster. biggrin:


[quote:f2594]you know the stock worshippers are going to try to hang you for saying you like shotguns disabled [/quote:f2594]

I disagree. I prefer STD and would not miss the shotgun if it were deleted from the game altogether. A lot would agree too.

I am not a shotgun hater, I just don't see it as an essential addition to the game.

By the way, on European servers I rarely (and I mean RARELY) ever see shotguns anymore.

It's like the whole shotgun public woke up and realised it sucks due to its limitations and have now migrated into SMG leaners who make the early days of shotgun whorage seem like a small child's playpen.

Last time I visited a USA STD server, though, it was filled with shotguns. Hmmm.

biggrin: jk!
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Default 05-19-2003, 12:33 PM

Oh and in STD an upper torso (or chest) shot will kill (I'm almost 99% sure of this from my experience, but I have never tested it). It only does less than 100 damage to the mid-lower torso area and anywhere else, besides neck and head of course.

That's still quite a large area to get a one shot kill in. If a player has trouble hitting that much of a target then they need practice.
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Default 05-19-2003, 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
"Realism" blows, all its for is mg whores who can't hit shit in stock. oOo:

And i use the word "realism" reluctantly, realism my ass.
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Default 05-20-2003, 05:39 AM

Do not relaly care that much, if the admin doesnt mind then fair enough.
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