01-17-2002, 05:50 AM
What the fuck is wrong with these people here saying: Hey man don't post anything about the real game till it's released....Hmm game reviewers might also quit their job then? Dont u ever read a pc game magazine / gamespot.com ...its probably jealousy of people who got their hands on the warez version...Reason why I don't buy games nemore: 1) I used to buy games, but usually I quit playing a game after 1 or 2 days out of boredom
2) I rather spent my money on clothing/drinking whatever then on some shit PC game I play for 2 days
There are only few exceptions that are good enough to buy :q3a/q3f + fifa2002 series
So also no1 every downloads mp3 from the net heh? sure...I bet u also NEVER copied a pc game from a friend?
Stop flaming people that are asking about certain missions here, if u don't like the posts ignore them, instead of making 100 replies like :hmpf stfu lamer buy the game etc
1 day I was asking here how to get past Ohama beach (or whatever it's called) map, and only 10% of replies were ontopic...this is a forum about the game...?? If u don't want to know anything about the game...DONT READ MESSAGES WHICH HAVE A TOPIC LIKE "NEED HELP MISSION3" as it might have spoilers in it...DUH
I rest my case