what would you guys like to see in MP in a new MOH title or expansion?
I'll probably get flamed for this, but I would like to see the stupid shotgun replaced by a Garand grenade. These were probably more common in the ETO than the shotgun. (of course the shotgun would be fine in MOH Pacific Assault).
Second, make both allied and axis n00b stick have a safety fuse like the M-203 in America's Army. Just to discourage n00bs from suicide nading with them. (the n00bs would help their team more if they didn't take away kills biggrin
If EA choose to put vehicles in MP I would very much like to see a training level like in America's Army, so that n00bs who don't know what the hell they're doing don't ram the precious vehicles into walls or run them off cliffs like in BF-1942. If you don't pass vehicle training, the server does not let you pick a driving or shooting position (you can still ride along if it's a jeep or halftrack).
Put classes in the "realism" mode, (this ones for you Gerard) so that everyone is not running around with machineguns.
Or just leave the option for an admin to activate classes regardless whether the server is running realism or stock.
Fell free to add your input, but please don't say stupid things that no one will ever CONSIDER putting in the game, like porn posters on the walls