Firstly, i have the game on pre-order, but I downloaded it because I wanted to play it now.
Any way, I'm afraid to say that our fears have been confirmed in that the Omaha SP level is 100% scripted. I.e, the same troops die every time, the shells land in the same places, people die in the same place...
For example - when you first dis-embark the higgens boat, and your captain is telling you to get off the beach, you can stand right behind him and the 2 people he is with, and the mg42 bullets magically go THROUGH them and hit you...because they're not supposed to die yet. That sucks
The level is still really run to play though , and certainly something to show people who aren't familiar with PC games but have seen SPR or something
Just could have been better...hopefully they'll be lots of omaha mods with totally random gameplay and things..