will they ever outlaw guns in america/canada? -
05-23-2003, 10:12 PM
gun laws are getting stricter these days. anti gun nuts and self rightous liberals apparently know whats best for us all. but think about it, will guns become extinct for the american or canadian people?
unless some Al Quaeda terrorists storm some large public place with machineguns in which case King George the Bush will ban guns in the name of "patriotism" oOo:
Well as an avid big game and waterfowl hunter, I don't think so. You see we need them, guns are tools to us. I agree with some of them when they say that people shouldn't be owning certain types of firearms. I don't mind all the retrictions and whatnot since it pretty much keeps the nutters from owning guns.
I think the only reason a civilian should own firearms is if he/she actually hunts. Personal defense is not needed I feel (this is Canada I'm refering to, I know the States have their crime problems). I or anybody I've known has ever been in a position where they needed a gun to defend themselves.
People who collect guns or use them for leisurely purposes should have their guns confiscated and de-activated (if the the gun is an antique and/or priceless).
Remember I'm only refering to Canada here since that's the country I'm most familiar with.
I don't think they will ever outlaw guns but I feel better living in Australia knowing the guy next door to me can't purchase an MP5 and call it a thing for defence.
I'm OK with hunting rifles and shotguns (ie trap shooting shotties)
Location: Touchdown City- Morgantown, West Virginia
05-24-2003, 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by NiteSnipe
If they ban guns, America will turn into France.. bunch of wusses who are afraid to do anything but want power.
Unfortunately, owning a gun does not extend your penis size nor does it make you more of a man.[/quote:6dbc1]
yah but it makes u feel like more of a man
If they ban guns, America will turn into France.. bunch of wusses who are afraid to do anything but want power.
Unfortunately, owning a gun does not extend your penis size nor does it make you more of a man.[/quote:d2e27]
yah but it makes u feel like more of a man[/quote:d2e27]
well i doubt it since we americans "have the right to bear arms" That's the literal meaning, but there are people that would like to interpret this clause.
Some people think it has been outdated by time and that we would never need a militia again anytime soon. I feel that guns are a part of our culture and if you take them away, you'd be hurting the culture too. Don't get me wrong. I don't think everyone should be walking around with an AK-47 or some sort of full-blown automatic gun.