a map like in A Thin Red Line where they are trying to capture that hill with all those bunkers on it... its hard to explain if u havent seen the movie...but that would be fun
Next to God...
...A Grunts Best Friend
id like to see some of the maps in singleplayer in multiplayer, maybe put some barbwire down to cut down on the size, since the singleplayer maps are pretty much linear but there is so much good level design that you only see once if you go through the singleplayer campaign.
jujmantb, that would be a good idea, except that there will be no cover, unless you add rocks and stuff, because I don't think the game can handle so much tall grass.
I'd like to see a map based around OMG. (No not oh my god).
Maps based in the open deserts of North Africa would be pretty cool. Any type of big, open battle field is cool. Bastogne or any other towns and cities involved in the Battle of the Bulge would be pretty tight.
I'm for any map that slows people down and creates a more "strategically" minded confrontation. I agree with Fubar bout the Pacific theatre arenas. (I posted just such a topic earlier.) I think something in the forest would be good as well. Lots of trees, fog, the sound of twigs snapping as someone creeps.... the little hairs on the back of my neck are standing up already just thinking about it.
Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your head I just put a hole in?