i think it went like this
Wow this is going far and im sorry im making this any further. I just dont seeing anyone banned for a good reason.
Heres the communication between Art attack and Nitesnipe.
I LiKe PiE 374 (9:12:45 PM): Art i have to tell you something

I LiKe PiE 374 (9:12:48 PM): im
Session concluded at 9:12:49 PM
Art Attack 2010 (9:12:52 PM): Who r u
I LiKe PiE 374 (9:12:56 PM): NiteSnipe
Art Attack 2010 (9:13:03 PM): get away from me you gay little fucker
I LiKe PiE 374 (9:13:07 PM): but Art, i want teh bum sex!!
I LiKe PiE 374 (9:13:16 PM): why will you not have bum sex with me!
Art Attack 2010 signed off at 9:16:30 PM.