Well at least we're keeping the situation mildly civilized over there. I'm glad I only post once before a thread gets locked here, I can stay at my own intellectual level oOo:
well some of us are trying to keep it under control, others seem to be blindly spamming your forums because they are mad. i my self dont want to start any fights around here; just wanna get things resolved. and i think it has. and, mabey its time we leave.
im sure some of you might have done the same if one of your precous skins had been taken by one of the DOD members and claimed as his own.
id just like the accusations to stop now, weve made our point, and proven it. so its over. your leaving anyway guarnere, lets all drop this silly argument, and pray that stealing doesent happen again. because u can be sure well' be back.
im glad to see people still attempting to clean up the forums from other peoples junk. this forum is badmouthed alot on other forums but seeing as this is the only forum i post on for mohaa besides TmT modeling section.
and no im not saying tmt badmouths us ive never seen it but if u look on mohaa.com (te biggest spamming forums in the world) you might see aa.com getting bashed for the flame wars that always happen.
try to keep the forums clean. and spamming is not an issue at all unless your BLOODSHOT hake: (some people will remember him especially you guarnere biggrin: )
[quote=" Pinhead":8ea24] Um actually, we're ripping stuff from MOH:AA for use in DOD. biggrin:
But taking the credit for custom stuff is pretty bad.[/quote:8ea24]
LOL they are so stupid look what they wrote at th DOD Forums!
yah I must appoligize for my rantings too. I was a little upset but i've calmed down. I would just like to say that Innoxx had asked me to give credit to the original authors (awhile back) for the models that I released and I did. So I dont see the need for him to continue posting the same thing over and over on all my threads.
Don't be knocking on mohaa.com, unless you want to bring my wrath upon thee.
Bring it, and watch how fast you go down in "thy" flames.
As for the modding, you should all be greatful that Guarnere and the others here even touched the weapons from DoD, it only credits DoD more, you stupid schmucks.