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Reload this Page It's a shame how many games are ruined by Rockets and Shotgu
MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

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Stony is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 08:15 AM

It seems to me that those who have trouble with the Zookas, Shotties, or Snipers are the ones with a lack of tactical sense. All these weapons are balanced against each other if you TRULY know the strengths and weaknesses of each. I almost exclusively play as a sniper, because I like to play using stealth and purpose. I'm not a run-and-gun type, and this game doesn't reward that type of play anyways. Shottie or Zooka whores don't bother me; I've learned how to successfully counter them. Maybe some of you need to learn how to adjust your strategy instead of whining about it.

This is the same bitching crowd who probably complained about Counterstrike and the AWP whores. Q3 and UT carryovers thinking that circle-strafing and running around at 40mph is how the game should be played. I guess the best advice for these crybabies is to go back to Q3 or UT where you came from.
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Doom_gaze is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 08:54 AM

There is a simple solution. Don't pay any attention to them.

If you're good enough you'll be able to stay far enough away from shotguns and dodge rockets. It's not hard. Eventually, they'll get so tired of getting the beatdown they will try a different weapon.

The rocket and shotgun along with being the two most overpowered weapons are also the two easiest to avoid. I welcome rockets and shotguns. The more there are, the more kills I get.

If you find yourself getting killed by them too often, go get some practice... and I don't mean practice at complaining on the boards.

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Robot Gus is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 09:14 AM

Looks like a serious case of "I hate the last weapon that killed me" flu is goin around
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 09:36 AM

But the whining here is more intelligent, complex and challenging than the game...that makes it fun and is probably why so many indulge in it.

That's not to say the whining is intelligent, complex and challenging per se...just that the game is remarkably lacking in those qualities.

I guess we could turn whining into a paper on the subject...

Why is MoH sub-standard? Is there a standard at all? I do believe there is, and I'm talking PC level here, not military simulator.
A good soldier will tell you there are only two important things on a battle-field: Silence and invisibility. And the sum of those two attributes are far greater than the parts.
Operation Flash-Point offers both. MoH offers only one.

But where they both lack equally is in the fact there are only two kinds of maps in soldier sims...maps that are known and maps that are not known.

So it boils down to this: An FPS that requires skill is one that offers both silence and invisibility on a map that is unknown. Make the player care about his virtual life and you are close to FPS perfection.

OPF scores 3 out of 4 on a first-time map.
MoH scores 2 out of 4 on a first-time map.

Sounds close, but remember that the sum etc...exponetially so.

What's needed is a random map generator, something like the one in Age of Empires. It would be some piece of coding, but I reckon it's possible. We'll wait for someone like Oleg to come up with it, cos it'll never come out of a western development house.

Your play Ydiss is based upon knowing the map like the back of your hand. It's also based upon knowing that your opponent is unable to become invisible (the legit kind).
Tactics of any meaningful kind are impossible in MoH. Once every player knows the map it becomes nothing much more than a lottery. If skill truly counted for anything in MoH we would see players who almost never died, as is the case in good air-combat sims. It was possible in OPF, despite even that FPS's limitations. In MoH, forget it. Even if MoH had prone position (invisibility to a good player) the lack of foliage and the ability to employ one's camo in it would make it almost worthless. The biggest cheat built into MoH by the developers is Force-Models...that makes a mockery of any skins included by default.

EVERYone dies in MoH, and if it was a sim instead of a light-weight game that wouldn't be the case. No matter how 'good' you think you are in MoH (Ydiss), you will die. You'll die because the game is crude, poorly coded and riddled with flaws. Not because a good FPS can't be made but because 2015 weren't up to the job of doing it properly. Challenging me to a needle-match on a public server is as pointless as challenging me to a Lego building competition. Something that requires skill, I'll be there. Something like MoH, I got more challenging things to do with my time than search for, download and install GameSpy clones just so I can find your server of choice.

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Stony is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 10:44 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doom_gaze:
If you find yourself getting killed by them too often, go get some practice... and I don't mean practice at complaining on the boards.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


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Ladmo is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 11:09 AM

I guess you missed my point entirely. I'm not saying ban the weapons, I'm not saying that people shouldn't use them, I'm not saying that they have the unfair advantage. What I'm saying is that every single DM game I have ever been in ends up with everyone in it using the Shotgun and the rocket launcher. I'm sorry I have a different opinion that some of you. I can understand how you feel the need to bash me because I don't think like you. Sorry, I conform now. I guess this is not the place to have an opinion, this is a place to show off my fancy sig, agree with the people who somehow know better than everyone else and keep spamming to get my post count up. This used to be a forum for people to discuss Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. But I guess I'll have to take my contrairy opinions elsewhere. Sorry to have started such a painfull topic.
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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 11:23 AM

Oh, no! Some weapons are better then others! Waah! Waah! Waah! Ban all weapons except SMGs!

And make running faster too so you can dodge better. Then it will be fair and I won't have to learn any strategy. I will be able to run around willy nilly without thinking, just shooting and dodging bullets.

And The Hunt is too hard for the Allies too. Just make it an open field.

Hopefully they will implement these things so everyone will end the game with equal kills and deaths. Yay! That will be fair!

If you expect people in online games to be courteous or nice, you are in for some serious disappointment. Some are nice, some are selfish jerks. It sux, but you might as well get used to it. Just get over it, figure out some strategy, and proceed to kick the butts of these people! People who rely on the zook or shotty or sniper are easy to beat. The other weapons are better all around weapons.

The only thing that REALLY SUX, is chronic cheating. The occasional cheat is no big deal, but repeated cheating by even 1 player can really ruin the game.
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Daemon_Kincaid is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 12:01 AM

I have to agree with the bazooka not taking long enough to reload, though any of you saying that they were not used in house to house combat during WWII is incorrect, they were used with large troops or squads, but more common was the tank. The bazooka makes up for the loss of the tank in this game. Now for snipers, they can reload fast and take about 10 shots in less than 15 seconds which is impressive with those weapons, assumming that the rifle could hold that many shots. But the game allows 1 shot per second which is realistic enough cosidering that you have to reload and you still can't shoot immediately after reloading, still takes a second or two afterwards. So sniping is not really and issue in this game. Though in WWII it was more prominent in house to house fighting since there is a lot more places to hid in.
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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 01:03 AM

sigi you know nothing about the way the quake3 engine works.

what you see, is exactly where that model exsists at that time.

when you hit fire, you send a packet that tells the server hey im about to fire. someone with a LOW ping fires BEFORE someone with a HIGH ping.

dont talk to me about lag dumb ass im a fuckin network engineer for christ's sake.
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spiewalk is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 01:05 AM

Guys, don't say f**k and stuff like that..

Old man Polaris, BallisticWookie, and Skidropunk are watching us..

Oh yea don't forget about old women BadScript, hehe...


feindliche Übernahme

[This message has been edited by spiewalk (edited January 19, 2002).]
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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 02:00 AM

Siggi- I don't think you're a jerk, just that you get people's tempers going for your amusement. I try not to provoke people here, and when I see someone else do it I get defensive. I wish people would be nice. But it seems that if they disagree with an opinion they have to abuse the poster. It is true that there are many egotistical hotheads here, and it is tempting to get them going. I, too, have had a little fun with provocative posts (in particular, one stating that all German soldiers were Nazis, as is Osama, etc.) People always seem to miss the sarcasm. Oh, well. I appreciate your last post above.

Ydiss- Actually I'm from NY. Sorry to mislead you. I put PA in my profile on a whim. I often play on Utah Beach server. It is a fave. Look forward to seeing ya there. I usually play for a couple hours somewhere between 5pm and midnight EST. My game name is also jonesy-the-cat. Give me a shout if you see me. Ever since I tried The Hunt it's all I play. And ya gotta love the realism mod! (No, Siggi, I don't think it makes the game realistic. See my post about MoH being unrealistic) Other good servers from here: Scapers Oven (realism) is good but seems to have some minor lag issues. The people who play there are nice so I deal with it. HongKongAction MOH Dojo is sometimes good, sometimes horrible. I remember enjoying -=[Xtreme]=- BlackDeath T1 also. There was a very good one called Silent Service but the name may have been changed to Utah Beach. Hope to see you around.
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fruxo is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 02:39 AM

To disable the shitgun, delete the shotgun.tik in the pak0.pk3/models/weapons directory on the servercomputer. When somebody joins the server and chooses the shotgun he'll end up with a sidearm and some grenades.

Same goes for any other weapon you don't want to see on the server.
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Hellbaby2065 is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 02:51 AM

"It is a very BADLY done game." - Siggi

Why do you play then Siggi? You say because it's "fun". How can you have fun playing such a "badly done" game? If you think the game is crap, go play one you think is better. Leave the rest of us alone to enjoy MoHAA PLEASE.

You seem to be the kind of person who is not really happy with anything at all. Were you abused as a child? Perhaps you should seek some counseling. Maybe then you can get past all the bitterness you're spewing out and find something positive to say.
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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 03:06 AM

Disabling the shotgun is a lame alternative to developing skill in MoH.

Once I learned to use the other weapons better, I never use the shotgun anymore. It is too weak.

Oh, they didn't have shotguns in WWII? Guess again. But I suppose you think they had magic health packs that appeared when you killed someone so you could run over and be restored to perfect health.
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 03:09 AM

What about Pong? That's utter shite but it's fun as hell. used to be. I don't play it anymore, really. Much.

My tactic is to abuse developers of shonky games in the hope they'll get so sick of me they'll put some effort into a patch or upgrade. It's never worked yet but it's fun trying.

Bitter...nah. Jaded yes. As for this place, it's like finding a nest of vipers after being constantly bitten by the buggers for years and never being able to catch one. It's payback time. Vipers, those buggers who wreck games by cheating, abusive degenerates who spoil the fun on a good server, and players who think they have a god-given right to make use of other peoples' servers and then slag them when the lag isn't to their liking. I quite often turn MoH on and go watch TV whilst strangers come play. People like Ydiss stroll in without so much as a "Hi", abuse the service and run to the nearest forum to slag it. That's rich. Like he paid for it or something. It's the punk attitude..."I'm owed a free ride, and if it don't have air-con and a drinks cabinet I'm gonna howl."

Not bitter, just having a crack poking these maggots in the face. You think I'm sitting here all bent out of shape? I'm having hysterics most of the time. Maybe it's sick fun, but not half as sick as some of the bottom-feeders on this forum. If you take me too seriously it's your problem, not mine. I'm having a laugh...if you don't like what I post don't bloody read it mate.

Now somebody please flame me, I'm running out of things to rant about.

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