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Reload this Page It's a shame how many games are ruined by Rockets and Shotgu
MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

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spiewalk is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 12:36 AM

You're getting flamed because your saying that a weapon that you can select from a list of weapons in the game is giving someone else a un-fair advantage over the weapon you pick.

Dude... no one is making a weapon up and then using it in the game, these are weapons that 2015 designed and threw into the game, anyone and everyone can use them whenever, however they want, you shouldn't even raise a question or point about it. Figure out some tactics if you tend to get killed a lot by a specific weapon.

None of the weapons "ruin" the game, you just need to play better and work on some start..


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Ladmo is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 12:42 AM

I guess I worded my topic wrong then. I was just trying to make an observation that every DM game I play ends up with a server full of people using the Shotgun and rocket launcher.
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Default 01-18-2002, 12:57 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You're getting flamed because your saying that a weapon that you can select from a list of weapons in the game is giving someone else a un-fair advantage over the weapon you pick.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I never said any thing about one weapon giving somone an unfair advantage. I was simply making a comment on where every DM game I'm played ends up. The only negative thing I said is that there a lot of players out there who are rude and inconsiderate. It's just a game for God's sake.
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spiewalk is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 01:00 AM

Exactly, it's just a game...

Next time you decide to make a comment about someones choice of weapon or how the play, think twice
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Tanks0rs is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 01:14 AM

well i think that if 2015 didnt want us to use the weapons, then they wouldnt be in the game. though i dont use those weapons too much, only if i need a quick 5-10 kills.

the only thing that really ruins a good game for me is uneven teams, ill start a 5on5 match on my t1 and almost every n00b that joins the game HAS to be allies. why the hell cant anyone just buckle down and be germans once in a while.

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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 01:18 AM

But Ladmo is right. Do you really think 2015 intended their game to be played by a bunch of bunny-hopping retards armed exclusively with rocket launchers?

We have quake...a pure fantasy bullshit game aimed at morons who can't cope with anything more complex than a few keys and a mouse.

Cue games like MoH...intended to appeal to the more complex gamer, those who like to think about their moves and make them in a more realistic environment.

So it's hardly suprising that they get pissed off when a bunch of selfish, spiteful brats invade the servers with no other intention than to show how 'clever' they are by trashing the experience for everyone else.

Real soldiers don't bunny-hop as they run. Real soldiers don't kit themselves out with rocket-launchers for house-to-house fighting. If they did they would die.
How many times have you been killed by a moron who fires his rocket into your face at point-blank range, killing both you and himself? That's 'gameplay'? No, it's not. It's a pathetic inadequate brat getting 'even' because he consistently dies with any other weapon. "I can't win, so I'll just spam the map with inane rocket-fire and piss everyone off."

The saddest thing about FPS games is they attract mostly dull-witted kids. The simplicity of the controls and lack of real-world physics is what makes the genre so appealing to them. That's why very very few kids get into sims...most of them can't even decipher the manuals.

In my expereience American brats are the worst in the world. Selfish, spoiled, arrogant little pricks who can't even spell. What they need is a thrashing, but unfortunately the parents are largely trailer-trash scum who think it's clever to teach little junior to tell everyone else around him to "F**k off" and call them "Gay".

Almost every American I've met in the simming community has been a sound stand-up guy (or gal). The flip side of that is almost every American kid I've come across in the FPS community has been a moronic, foul-mouthed scum-bag. A disgrace and shame to your nation across the http://WWW. across this side of the pond and try it on, you'll go home in an air-ambulance...our kids are civilised, but they don't tolerate degenerates.

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Ladmo is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 01:20 AM

The next time I have any opinion on this game, I'll make sure everyone else agrees before I make it.
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Lt_Col_Tall is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 01:22 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ladmo:
I don't mind the sniper rifle as much. It's just fustrating when someone launches a rocket in your face, standing 3 feet away, kills you then keeps running. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

yes, this is the biggest problem with the rocket launchers. Just doesn't make sense. I'm not for removing them, they should just do more spread damage when fired indoors...and ESPECIALLY at close range. They should also have longer reload times and you should not be able to reload while moving them. Pulling out a clip while moving is understandable, not a bazooka. It's a balance issue that 2015 overlooked.


The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 01:29 AM

2015 are a bunch of second-rate coders. Proof? The BS about clipping. MoH is based upon the Q3 engine. Has anyone noticed any clipping in Q3? No? Then why is it so rife in MoH? I read 2015's BS excuse for it and it's just that...bullshit.

MoH has so many flaws, inconsistencies and in-the-face f**k-ups it's almost beyond belief it got so hyped. It's a fun game, but I was led to believe it would have realism out the ying-yang. Snort. You can't even lie prone in it.

The easiest way to send a message to these pricks that shoddy, lazy, half-arsed coding won't be tolerated at £35 a throw is to warez the game. If that means they go out of business and produce no more games...bring it the f**k on. Games like these we don't need when there are gifted coders in eastern europe looking for a break.

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Default 01-18-2002, 01:33 AM

I think the game will be fun, flaws and all, and considering this is their first full game, I think they did a great job. I for one will be paying full price because they deserve it.
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Stony is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 02:00 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW-Siggi:
The easiest way to send a message to these pricks that shoddy, lazy, half-arsed coding won't be tolerated at £35 a throw is to warez the game. If that means they go out of business and produce no more games...bring it the f**k on. Games like these we don't need when there are gifted coders in eastern europe looking for a break.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Kinda like Oleg Maddox and IL2-Sturmovik. A former Soviet Air Force officer turned developer. He's the talk of the flight sim community.

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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 02:02 AM

Well I've heard rumours about a full-realism option in the final release. I hope it's true because the last thing any full retail game needs is third-party modders hacking it to pieces.

File-comparison security...will MoH have it? Will it bugger. This is how second-rate code becomes popular (aka MS). People confuse mods with the core code and think a good mod means the actual game is good. It doesn't. All it means is the developers are relying on modders to do their work for them.
If only honest modders got involved it wouldn't be a problem. But open code is an invitation to cheats.

No file comparison means we'll have hundreds of different games on peoples' PC's, all conflicting with each other to some degree or other. Let's take a typical example of how screwed up MoH will be...modder-X makes a skin that can't be seen by other players who don't have it. So they have to turn on Force-Models. Excuse me? So what the f**k was the point of 2015 providing camo skins etc when every player can force Mr Dayglo to appear on HIS particular PC? Makes the bushes pretty pointless.

Hey, I do it too. I have the 101st skins forced on mine because they stand out like a sore thumb, in bushes and everywhere else. Nice one really did your frigging homework, you chumps. And I just love using the Waffen-SS smock, knowing every allied player has the geek WM skin forced on their PC. Tactics? Lol.

This game is like a Swiss full of holes it stinks.

I don't mind second rate games...a lot of them are fun, like this one. But what does get up my nose is when the developers, the publishers and a bunch of thick groupies hype and mis-represent the game. Lies, bullshit and fraud...and to cap it off a user base that consists mostly of foul-mouthed hacking degenerates.

Sell the game for £15 and prevent anyone under the age of sixteen from playing it online...that'd make the nut and I'd be able to shut up and play it quietly.

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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 02:07 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stony:
Kinda like Oleg Maddox and IL2-Sturmovik. A former Soviet Air Force officer turned developer. He's the talk of the flight sim community.


Yep, you said it right mate. We'd actually started to believe the BS from western developers about the difficulty of coding a rock-solid game right out of the box until he came along.
Oleg Maddox has let the cat out of the bag, big time. Anyone who owns Il2 will measure games like MoH against it, and realise how shoddy they truly are.

Simple proof...if Oleg can do it, why can't our supposedly more sophisticated and high-tech western guys do it? Answer...they are shiftless and greedy.

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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 02:24 AM

Siggi, good to see your form hasn't changed a bit.

I still have you on my buddy list from when we first played and you know every single time I've seen you online (which is rare) you are only ever playing on your own server.

That's right. Siggi's ADSL Server [CPR] Anti-cheat.

Player list (the general gist I always see, not an accurate one):

SS.SGW-Siggi 128/0 Ping 0
SS.SGW-Don_Tony 128/0 Ping 2
Somenewbie 2/0 Ping 350
A><0|2_NooB 2/0 Ping 600
olli 2/0 Ping 289

When I join I get maybe 90-200 ping depending on how many players he has cramed in his server (yes, with a 32 player limit lmfao).

So, when I joined and 4 others were playing, we all (besides Siggi and his mate, who is presumably on a LAN to Siggi's server) had well over 500 ping.

A lot.

Now, I still managed to kill Siggi and his mate two times each with this ping. They killed me 4 times between them and on the last round (where by this time it took my gun a full second to actually start shooting after I pressed the key - Gotta love that pure BT bandwidth) I complained of lag and decided to leave the server.

It just wasn't fun. Why bother staying? So I left and played on a dedicated server and had a blast. In fact the only reason I joined your server that second time was because I really wanted to see if you played seriously. Like you really thought it was worth spending time playing with zero ping against high pingers. Apparently, you do.

I told them how I felt. But then after all Siggi's claims that he knows everything about the game already, I have never seen him on one public server.

Big boasts for someone who can only beat 300+ pingers with zero ping himself.

Nice hijack of the post, Siggi. You will never impress anyone, let alone me, with your boasts until you actually play without a clear advantage.

We will see when the full game comes out, and you actually start playing some proper competive matches, who is the best at this game, and I can tell you from what I've seen of you, you'll need some serious practice to make SS.SGW even contend at all.

Sorry, but playing with zero ping won't allow you to take playing with a ping over that. Nothing wrong with playing at 0 ping if you have a decent connection, such as T1.

But ADSL? lol. Come play on a proper server and let's see how good you really are.

Sorry, but you have no respect from me at the moment. You have too much of an opinion seeing as you don't even play in a proper game.

I know how good I am, and I also know where I ain't so good.

Why don't you prove you can play, instead of spouting your flames here?

Actions > Words.

No, I won't play on your server again. But then, nor does anyone other than complete newbies 'cos they don't know you but know no better than to play on a non-dedicated server like yours.

I'll be on gamesdomain (2), (3) and (4) or any Blue Yonder server. If I don't see you soon, I'll have no different an opinion than I already do about you. Which isn't much.


[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 18, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 18, 2002).]
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 02:48 AM

Lol. The proof is always in the pudding as they say. Your own post is as much proof as anyone could ever need that your whole life revolves around this game. did know this is just a game, yes?

As for your BS...I play on servers other than my own, but not as much. Why? Because I won't play on any that don't have the CPR mod. You may enjoy needing a full clip to give an opponent a hang-nail but I find it lame and tedious in the extreme.

Kills...I wasn't counting (I have a life), but you were getting consistently whupped until you whined aboput lag and buggered off.

Player server is restricted to max 14 and has been for a very long time.

Lag...most players get no worse than 200 ping, and the average is just under 100 on a consistent basis.

The fact is Ydiss, you measure yourself by how well you do (or don't,lol) at a second-rate game. I bet you were one of those kids who would chuck the Monopoly board up in the air when you landed on your sister's Park Lane.

As for rating myself...if you cast your mind back you may remember I was the guy who said (and still does) that little to no skill is neccessary to excell at this game. Therefore my awesome online prowess is a result of the game's simplicity, not my skill. Whereas you, Mr Air-borne Ranger, are convinced you are the Bowie-Knife juggling predator of the WW2 battle-field. Fact ain't crap, but mediocre is nothing to boast about mate.

Your mate has gotten good with the sniper 'rifle' by neglecting his homework and resisting the lures of Playboy for a couple of weeks. What's your excuse?' Go out and discover alcohol, give yourself a break.

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