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Reload this Page It's a shame how many games are ruined by Rockets and Shotgu
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Robot Giant Robo is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 03:01 AM

What I don't like is the general "lameness" associated with rockets. Likewise, I don't mind someone using a rocket more strategically to help his team out, but most often I find someone waiting on the other side of a corner with the rocket.

But no, I won't ask them to chage weapons just because they're annoying. Usually players like this are predictible, and predictability's worst enemy in this game has got to be the hand grenade... Let them kill me once or twice, but afterwards they're mine

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spiewalk is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 03:06 AM

I think you guys should go outside and have some fresh air. The radiation from your monitors is giving some of you the crazy talk...

Leave the friggin game alone and stop criticizing 2015 about there weapons choice and how people use them.. maaaaan u guys sound like a bunch of women.


feindliche Übernahme
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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 03:29 AM

this siggi guy is funny.

if you think for a second that an expert quake player wont light you up in this game youre an idiot. go brush your teeth you ugly lymie bastard.

also, before you flame me for being a young n00b. ill own you own you in flight sims too.

like someone else has said, play on someone else's server and talk smack.
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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 03:44 AM

Siggi, no one will agree with you.

Anyone just has to join your server to see what I mean. But they won't 'cos most are intelligent to know that a DSL server can't hold more than 4-5 players without lagging to hell. But, of course, not for you.

See, your reasons for not playing on public servers is 'cos you want CPR and Anti Cheat. Bullshit, there is plenty of good public servers that host CPR and almost ALL now host Anti-Cheat.

Ok. I'll see you on Server: BarrysWorld - Medal Of Honor Demo (1) - [CPR] 19/20 | Ping: 61ms| soon shall I?

That or Server: - MOH Demo (1) [CPR] 31/32 | Ping: 55ms| be ok for you?

Anyone who believes they know every single limit of the game and doesn't play regularly on a public server (and, Mr Generalisation, regular as in how often you spend on them in the time you do play. Just 'cos I said you don't play a lot doesn't mean I think I have any superiority over you. You thought that one up all on your own). needs to think again.

Oh, and btw... Rigz doesn't use the sniper right now, he's trying the Mauser out. For someone who has a habit of naming cheats who aren't, you'd have a hard time playing on a server with him. I suppose you won't though.

I entirely expect to not see you anytime soon on a proper server anyway.

Btw, if you read my post correctly you will remember that I did actually say I ping at around 100-200 normally. Pay attention.

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Default 01-18-2002, 03:56 AM

Oh, and neither of us do homework. We're 24 and both have succseful jobs actually (yeh, we aren't brothers. You're an excentric, that's for sure). 8 hour day jobs, too. So plenty of leisure time at weekends and evenings to play what we enjoy.

I did my homework just fine when I had it, too, thanks. I didn't do amazingly well but I have 9 GCSEs and 2 A-levels in Maths and English Literature.

You, on the other hand, seem to mention this often enough to suggest you are one who is of lower years.

Thing is, who cares how old someone is? Has no bearing on maturity, but your inclination to start your silly fights on boards (not just me that you've gotten all melodramatic about, is it?) shows the level of your maturity quite well.

I have nothing to say to you until you play on a server that isn't your own.

It's that or I'll just wait until the full game comes out and demorecord is enabled so I can just come and post how amazing you are on your own server. I'm sure there will be demo forums soon enough on a few web pages.

You know we were lagging up to 500+ ping that day. No matter how good someone is, 500 ping versus 0 ping is no contest.

Btw, the last time I got killed was by your mate. It took him two full clips to kill me and I was in the open with 500 ping.

That takes a skill of its own.

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spiewalk is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 04:39 AM

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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 04:54 AM

Aye carumba, he's quoting his exam results now. You're a card Ydiss and no mistake.

Lag...I see you have a new definition of effects the loser but not the winner. You lag but I don't see you lagging. That's a hard one for me to get my head around mate. You lag, so that means I get to shoot your body't actually there...cos it's I have that right?

If you were lagging on a 500 ping I'd have been shooting at nothing or a ghost. You can't have lag one way mate, it screws up everyone. This BS about the host getting "the 'best' lag" is a crock of shite made up by sore losers looking for an excuse. And if a 200 ping was a significant disadvantage nobody would be able to fly air-combat sims online. Tenths of a second are way more critical in the air at speed than tromping around on the ground.
The thing is I've had a mere handful of people ever mention lag, and those who had a problem with it either left silently with dignity or politely stated that they were off elsewhere. You were the first and only one to make an abusive comment and leave in a snit.
The only problem I have had is people lose their connection quite easily. Seems to drop after about five games, but they have no problem coming back in and don't bitch either.

The fact that you constantly look to challenge me "on a 'proper' server" proves only two that you do rate yourself superior and two that you need to prove it. I think you have issues that need addressing.

I could give a rat's arse about getting shot to shite so long as the game is fun. The fact that I don't is a testament to the game's crude simplicity. Maybe it's nice for you to fantasize that MoH is like the real thing, and 'skill' in it means you'd be hot shite on a real battlefield, but I've done the real deal and I'm afraid MoH is a poor simulation. It's not even hard as a game, never mind as a virtual representation of reality.

What was the crack about quak..."if you think for a second that an expert quake player wont light you up in this game youre an idiot." Sorry madrebel, but you're forgetting the fact that MoH players can't zip around at near warp-speed and use their bazookas to jump in the air like Peter frigging Pan. Reflexes vs compo mate. Take out the need for demented reflexes allied to weapons with a magazine capacity approaching that of a Dreadnought Battleship and I think you'll find the person with the brains to not run around like a spastic chimp that's just been fed a pound of laxitive chocolate will come out on top.

Nobody will agree with me Ydiss? Oh dear, a mortal blow. You're not on the same page as me, are you mate. 'Me and the boys' get more entertainment from this forum, and some of the nutters on it, than we do from the bloody game. 'Getting them at it' is part of the fun. You're worth the entry fee alone.

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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 05:36 AM

siggi youre proving your ignorance for me.

quake 3 uses a client server model.

its like this:
server hosts game
client A has 20 ping connects to server
client B has 200 ping connects to server

client A stands toe to toe facing client B
Client B does the same.

Client A and B fire at exactly the same point in time at their respective locations.

Client A's packet reaches the server in 20 milliseconds.

the server sees client A's packet, calculates the trajectory, location of the shot determines that the shot its a hit records the data, sends the packet to client A that he got a hit and to client B that he got hit.

Meanwhile clients B's packet takes 200mili seconds to reach the server, he is already dead before he even gets a shot off.

Flight sims use a peer to peer model. the game is "server" so to speak is hosted on each palyers machine. the only data sent back and forth is location, and shot direction.

with games like quakeX when someone is "lagged out"(not receiveing, dropping LOTS of packets, 999 ping) they are stopped DEAD. Why? because the server isnt getting packets from the client saying where he is and thus it isnt send location data to the other clients.

and again, i realise quake isnt like MoH. There are no rocket jumps. But i was always able to split the ball hair of a gnat at 300 yards with the rail gun in quake. guess what, i can hollow out your skull with the M1/Mauser in MoH very easily.

But youre a pompus ass, like all euro trash, who isnt man enough to admit when he is wrong.

Oh and youre welcome. Without the US you would be in nzai germany right now prick.
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Default 01-18-2002, 06:39 AM

Siggi, I have absolutely no issues with killing someone who is pinging at 500. It seems perfectly smooth to me, thanks.

I made my points and all you have is fancy flowery insults to reply with. Hosting your own server gives you an advantage and everyone knows that. Everyone knows ADSL is shite to host servers too. All but you. Apparently.

And you're the first one to bring up school work. Don't expect someone to reply? Don't post.

I may have been angry the day I played on your server, but I didn't come here and post about it, did I?

I let it drop and carried on to enjoy playing MoH. Now who's mature?

End of my contribution to that particular disscusion.

Madrabel, I don't particularly find your insults about my country amusing, but then I don't really care. I don't get all patriotic just 'cos someone insults the UK.

There's no need for it though.

Yeh, I'm from the UK too. My teeth are fine, thanks. Cliché number 639 right there

I agree with some of your points, though. But could you please leave out the abuse of my country?

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Lt_Col_Tall is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 06:40 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
But youre a pompus ass, like all euro trash, who isnt man enough to admit when he is wrong.

Oh and youre welcome. Without the US you would be in nzai germany right now prick.

While I think madrebel is only fueling the fire...siggi was just asking for it with the comments he made first.


The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.
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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 06:55 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ydiss:

I agree with some of your points, though. But could you please leave out the abuse of my country?

[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 18, 2002).]
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>see i said euro trash. there is a difference between euro trash and people who happen to live there.

Just like the difference between americans and ghetto trash, white trash, redknecks, etc...

i wasnt reffering to you at all good sir knight

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Default 01-18-2002, 06:59 AM

Well in that case it's ok

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Newgate[USAR] is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 07:41 AM

Let me raise an interesting point. When the MP demo was first released I used the zook and the schreck. No biggie. I didn't use it all the time but no one complained. I usually ended up killing myself when I would kill the other guy or I'd use it to clear out the snipers. Like I said no one complained, people thought it was funny. It was just a couple of weeks ago when this anti-zook thing really picked up. Now whenever I use the zook and get a kill on someone. People start calling me all sorts of nonsensical crap like "Bitch ass ho ass", stuff like that. If the reload time on the zook or schreck was made realistic we would need two people to operate the big guns, it would take about 10-15 seconds to reload and no one plays like that in a FPS except clan mates. With one person the zook would take about thirty seconds to reload. Unless you wanted to blow an arm or a leg off. I don't know, I really don't care what people use. I just kill them and blow up that Flak cannon.
I'm not flaming anoyone.
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 07:42 AM

Ydiss, anyone who cries "lag" as an excuse for defeat is a sore loser. You talk about flowery insults but the fact is I play MoH with as much or less success on external servers as I do on my own. Lag has never been an issue for me because it averages out over any number of servers. Flowery insults are fun. Arguing the toss with a sore loser is boring. If it ain't lag you'll have some other rationale to explain away your defeats. If somebody is cheating, have at it by all means. But if he isn't, just take your losses with good grace.

Madrebel, apart from being a sick xenophobe with an inferiority complex a mile wide, you are ignorant on the subject of lag. I don't give a toss about your server-side BS, lag works both ways. If there is a connection problem the data going either way is screwed and in a moving fight it will impact both players adversely. Standing toe-to-toe may be an artificial way of proving an isolated and unrepresentitive anomoly of server-side lag but it doesn't stand up in moving combat. Before my server can know the position of an external player it has to receive his data. If that data is late I will see a false model position, which makes it harder for me to hit it (if I can hit it at all).
If you are telling me that the quak engine allows a hit, regardless of the opponent's true position, I can only say that I must be getting zero pings to the external servers I have played on. I have noticed ZERO difference in my scores when playing on my own server and external ones, neither better nor worse.

This lag BS is like the IHPFALT tactic in chess. Player A challenges player B. Player B says "I haven't played for a long time." Superb. With seven words he excuses himself if he loses, exhalts himself if he wins.

Lag..."If I lose, it's because of lag. If I win...well f**k me, I must be hot s**t!" Pathetic.
You know what simmers call lag? Turbulence. It's there, it affects everyone. Deal with it and stop whining about makes you sound like a grizzling brat who's had a bad day in the sand-pit.

If this was a battle-field sim I would take it seriously and put some real enthusiasm into it. As it is I normally play with a smoking fag hanging out of my mouth, a keyboard sharing space with a perilous ashtray and a mouse competing for room on a desk covered in crap.
If people played this game 'for real' we'd all be seeing vastly different results. As it is most players cavort around like it's a comedy sketch. Who wins the most? Those who spend weeks 'training' on the sniper 'rifle'...we've all seen them. They hang back whilst the GAMERS have a laugh, then sneak in and start popping tourists. Skill? No. Just anal twats who think taking advantage of a second-rate game's shortcomings is akin to mastery of virtual combat.

Ydiss...absorb the fact...this is Playstation level gaming-light. Quite literally it is child's play. Comparing MoH to, say, an accomplished sim or full-physics racing game is like comparing lego to architecture...paint-by-numbers to Da Vinci. I spend more time rolling smokes than I do watching the battle-field in this game. And I still whup your ass.

The bottom line with a lot of saddoes who take this GAME too seriously is they think success in it is some sort of indication of how they would do in a real fire-fight. Oh puh-leese, do excuse me whilst I choke back the hilarity. It's no-brainer fun, a chance to run amok and produce loud satisfying bangs from the sub-woofer after a hard day at work. If you want a REAL challenge, get into sims. As in SIMULATION, opposed to GAME.

DAMN, this is fun!

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Doom5 is Offline
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Default 01-18-2002, 07:57 AM

Why is there so much whining on this forum? Because most of the people that post here are little kids, and seems to have very low IQ's.

Stop complaining dumbasses. It's so easy to kill someone that uses a rocket launcher, get over it. Don't like the Shotgun? Too bad. Get over it.

Geez, you should have to take a maturity and an intelligence test before you can post on this forum. 90% of the kids on this forum wouldn't pass.

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