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MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

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Hellbaby2065 is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 03:13 AM

Pong was brilliant for it's time.
(no, I'm not joking)

The only time I take offense is when you start ranting at the programmers.

Do you work for a gaming company Siggi?
Do you program games for one?
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 04:09 AM

I have enough difficulty programming myself to behave.

But I see where you're going. What you have to remember is I've now seen code as code should be...Il2. It can be done, Oleg and his team proved it. All the lies and BS spouted by western developers over the last few years are exposed for the self-serving crap they are. I guess next you'll tell me you're a programmer and how hard it is and poor 2015. Save it mate. I paid £35 for Il2 and it is the best example of fully functional complex code I've ever seen. Paying £35 for MoH will really stick in my craw.

Western developers are lazy, greedy and inherently dishonest. They pal-up to communities so they can sucker-punch them with shonky dreck. 2015 are about fit to code for consoles, but not for the PC. Pride alone should have led them to include prone in MoH, but the fat dollar comes uno supremo.

I may not program myself, but it's no arcane mystery to me either. I know what can be done and how. I see thru MoH like it's transparent. I see the cut corners, the laziness, the flaws, and the hype they spewed about it really gets up my nose.

Play dev-groupie all you like mate. Personally I have an aversion to clay feet.

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Hellbaby2065 is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 04:18 AM

No, actually I do not program.
I am fairly proficient at TCP/IP and networking, but I would never be so boastful as to call myself an "expert".

Yes, you know where I am going. You are not a programmer. Perhaps you should stick to criticism of things you have knowledge about.
You are perfectly justified in correcting 2015 about realism, but please do not insult their programming skills or detication when you yourself know nothing about the subject.
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 04:46 AM

But I do know something about the subject. Not a lot, but enough to know rough code from smooth code.

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DaFladow is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 04:52 AM

Sure, just go ahead and complain because someone can kill you constantly with a weapon their good with. What if people owned you with the Garand all the time. I bet you would say "I hate the Garand it ruins the game". Shut up and play. If you dont like it find another game. Sup Spie.
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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 04:53 AM

Siggi, I'm not the one who came to the boards to bitch. Grow up.


Jonesy... I have those servers on my favs in ASE, I'll see you there sometime soon.

I also played on the Boston T-1 server a bit today. Smooth play, less friendly, but none-the-less worth a blast.

It's nice to be able to play over there reliably for once (could rarely do that in Half-life, netcode just couldn't hack the long distance). Be cool to play with some of the members of this board.

New York is closer to the UK than PA anyway, so that'll be better.

Visited NY for a day once in 1994 Got lost and only learnt how to get around by the time we had to go home again (of course).

Only reason we went originally was 'cos my dad won 2 Concorde tickets

£6000 a ticket (around 9000$US), normally. Won't forget that trip in a hurry
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 05:54 AM

Ladmo, I understood your point and agree with it, except that I have never experienced it myself. Also, it is just a game and if people feel like having a laugh by going berzerk with the rockets, good for them. I would find another server if it kept up for too long, which is what I recommend you do.
Siggi, Where to start? You do have some valid points. I am constantly dismayed by the behavior of American children. But, unless I missed something, I think you are being unnecessarily abusive to Ydiss. I've taken a tone with Ydiss since he came on my server to play, whined about lag cos he was being beat and left in an abusive snit. I have never seen Ydiss be immature or abusive, yet you are consistently so. You don't seem to have anything better to do than come here and complain and abuse people. (And I suppose you will try to exact revenge on me now).Revenge? For what? You're a rational person talking rationally, I got no problem with that. You indicate that this is your way of having fun, but most people don't realize that and get genuinely upset. Most of the people here seem to get "upset" by the fact the sun rises, never mind over my cheap entertainment.

And you keep harping on the same topics over and over. Because people keep making the same counter-comments. It's like you take the same sentences and reorder them for each new post. "let's see, this time I think I'll put the sim rant first, then the no skill rant..." Boring. At least try some new rants. And if you have such comtempt for the game, why are you playing it? Cos it's fun. I just get tired of hypers like Ydiss who insist on fantasising it's something it's not. Go back to your beloved sim for goodness' sake. I do, repeatedly. Then I come back here and to MoH for more light relief.

I too have experienced lag problems. If they continue, I find a different server. And you are wrong about how lag works. You sometimes seem quite knowlegeable, but you surprise me here with not only your lack of knowlege of the subject, but also your insistence that you DO know about it. Madrebel is right. Lag will make you hit the target where you (and your server) think it is, while the target is getting information late. And yes, the example is good that his shot will not even be fired because it is 'after' he got killed. While it sometimes works in the lagger's favor, in general the lagger is at a disadvantage. Ah. There we have it..."sometimes in the lagger's favour." That's an improvement upon madrebel's BS. Lag affects everyone and the dis-advantage/advantage averages out over time.

You claim to have real combat experience. Then you should know that anyone, no matter how skilled, can be killed in seemingly random fashion in a battle. The best soldier can be the first to die. Same applies in MoH. Any game, no matter how realistic, could not have players that are so good that they don't die. One random rocket and you're dead. It can even be your team mate that does it. And the same applies in real war. I must beg to differ. A skilled soldier is far less likely to die as a result of a "random" event. I have never fought in what might be called a 'general engagement', loads of artillery raining down, thousands of troops and multiple armored vehicles meeting on open ground etc. That's where the skilled soldier finds his talents of little use. My experiences were in small scale engagements over complex terrain (hilly countryside and village) in Bosnia. The noisy and visible died often. The others didn't. I know full well the advantages of the prone position and silence. So did most of the American and European volunteers I fought beside. The Moslems and enemy didn't.

Oh, the developers didn't intend for the whole team to use rockets? Well then, let's ask them what's okay to do and then do it. It's not like it's a game where you just have fun or anything.So label the fun servers FUN and the others SERIOUS...that should help people avoid the BS. Sheesh!

It is utterly contemptible to deprive the software company of the money they are entitled to simply because the game is not perfect. We're not talking about imperfect, we're talking about months of BS hype only to have the usual half-done crap kicked out the door for full retail price. I'm sick of it and so are most mature gamers who have more than a brat's expectations of software. It is a very well done game, better than most. I totally disagree. It is a very BADLY done game. No prone, I'll leave it at's enough. Good profits will likely lead to an even better sequel. We've been hearing that for the last seven years...still waiting for the money to be plowed back into THE WONDEROUS SEQUEL. It leads in a good direction from other FPS's, and may well set a trend toward the realism that you so crave. So you would hurt yourself by thwarting its success. That sounds much like the selfish spoiled brats that are running rampant nowadays, content to harm themselves as long as they harm others. Are you sure you are not part American? Half Icelandic, half british. I give praise where it's due, a hard time to any other bunch of money-grabbing shirkers who think the world owes them a living simply because they 'develop' games.

Why don't you make your own 'sim' and charge whatever you want? Oh, don't know how? Then your complaints have no justification.So when a wheel falls off my new car, I got no right to complain if I'm incapable of building my own car? Sorry, that don't fly.

I, too, hate the lies perpetrated in marketing. But you seem to be just noticing it now. Nope, I've been noticing it since around 1996. If that is so, then I have news for you: the same is true in life. So you might as well get used to it and start liking it. I'm 41 years old and very used to the vagaries of life. That don't mean I'm ready to roll over and start taking it up the arse.

Go ahead. Flame away. Generally I flame only morons, I find the most amusing reactions by following that policy. You're clearly rational, non-abusive and not hung up by an ego the size of a barn door. You think I'm a jerk but you say it well and nicely too. No problem with that.


[This message has been edited by SS.SGW-Siggi (edited January 19, 2002).]
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 06:38 AM

"Own" and "Sup". Coo, you're a happenin' dude aincha! Do you hang out with 'homies' in the 'hood' too? Can I borrow your manual of street cred? I'd like to be a tuff dude like wot yu is.

Hey homies, sup! Lol. I'd try it out around the clubs, but I'd probably get battered for sounding like a complete twat. Can't knock it too hard though. Nothing like a bit of native idiom for masking a bad case of intellectual impotence.

Ydiss...ah, I can't be arsed. You need retort training mate. Your spiel is as lame as your MoH performance, and you can't blame it on lag. you stutter?


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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 07:45 AM

Hey, jonesy. Where abouts in PA ya from? I have a good friend who lives in Allentown (not entirely sure of spelling).

Rigz and I occasionally play on the very eastern American servers (can sometimes get around 100-130 ping, very playable).

Would be cool to team up with you sometime

Just played on this Server: UTAH BEACH (CPR) 8/12 | Ping: 112ms|

Good fun, friendly server (rare) and it was a very smooth game. First time I've played friendly fire, too. It was nice to see players who say sorry for genuine mistaken TKs.

There's about 10 servers from over there with less than 140 ping for me, so maybe will see you there soon

I still found the smg too easy though, but there are a few non CPR servers I could play over there.
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buddha is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 07:57 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CorpusDan:
Simply having a realistic reload time on the bazooka would put an end to the rocket problem altogether.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

how true..
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Frost is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 09:28 AM

Can I have a Padlock view for Moh? :P

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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Default 01-19-2002, 11:12 AM

Ladmo, I understood your point and agree with it, except that I have never experienced it myself. Also, it is just a game and if people feel like having a laugh by going berzerk with the rockets, good for them. I would find another server if it kept up for too long, which is what I recommend you do.

Siggi, Where to start? You do have some valid points. I am constantly dismayed by the behavior of American children. But, unless I missed something, I think you are being unnecessarily abusive to Ydiss. I have never seen Ydiss be immature or abusive, yet you are consistently so. You don't seem to have anything better to do than come here and complain and abuse people. (And I suppose you will try to exact revenge on me now). You indicate that this is your way of having fun, but most people don't realize that and get genuinely upset.

And you keep harping on the same topics over and over. It's like you take the same sentences and reorder them for each new post. "let's see, this time I think I'll put the sim rant first, then the no skill rant..." Boring. At least try some new rants. And if you have such comtempt for the game, why are you playing it? Go back to your beloved sim for goodness' sake.

I too have experienced lag problems. If they continue, I find a different server. And you are wrong about how lag works. You sometimes seem quite knowlegeable, but you surprise me here with not only your lack of knowlege of the subject, but also your insistence that you DO know about it. Madrebel is right. Lag will make you hit the target where you (and your server) think it is, while the target is getting information late. And yes, the example is good that his shot will not even be fired because it is 'after' he got killed. While it sometimes works in the lagger's favor, in general the lagger is at a disadvantage.

You claim to have real combat experience. Then you should know that anyone, no matter how skilled, can be killed in seemingly random fashion in a battle. The best soldier can be the first to die. Same applies in MoH. Any game, no matter how realistic, could not have players that are so good that they don't die. One random rocket and you're dead. It can even be your team mate that does it. And the same applies in real war.

Oh, the developers didn't intend for the whole team to use rockets? Well then, let's ask them what's okay to do and then do it. It's not like it's a game where you just have fun or anything. Sheesh!

It is utterly contemptible to deprive the software company of the money they are entitled to simply because the game is not perfect. It is a very well done game, better than most. Good profits will likely lead to an even better sequel. It leads in a good direction from other FPS's, and may well set a trend toward the realism that you so crave. So you would hurt yourself by thwarting its success. That sounds much like the selfish spoiled brats that are running rampant nowadays, content to harm themselves as long as they harm others. Are you sure you are not part American?

Why don't you make your own 'sim' and charge whatever you want? Oh, don't know how? Then your complaints have no justification.

I, too, hate the lies perpetrated in marketing. But you seem to be just noticing it now. If that is so, then I have news for you: the same is true in life. So you might as well get used to it and start liking it.

Go ahead. Flame away.
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