I did some reasearch on this a few months ago.
The soinning is done not by a mouse but with a binding setup within a .cfg file.
I'm not gonna post it as everyone will end up doing it.
But basically a key is assigned to tur on and off the spinning. You can then choose how fast you spin etc.
No real benefit, apart from looking crazy in the game!
yeh they prolly use scripts, although i asked some people how they did it and they said they did it by turning mouse sensitivity all the way up in the in game moh options screen...
yeh they prolly use scripts, although i asked some people how they did it and they said they did it by turning mouse sensitivity all the way up in the in game moh options screen...
I have the sensitivity set at maximum while plating. Spinning your mouse will make you spin in the game as well then. Easy with cordless mouse.
I heard that optical mouses were actually harder to use because they tend to "zero out". If thats the case wouldn't using a ball mouse be better for MoH?
A trackball also makes spinning around rapidly much easier than using a mouse. A guy here at work uses one for playing and computing. Personally, I can't stand track balls.