run a server taht is sniper only...{5thMSS} maybe u seen it..well i am constantly kicking ppl fo leaing as we only allow it around a corner or while u still...none of taht bs where ppl actually think it is realistic to jump up lean to the left run to the right while scopeing and shooting a kar 98---ANYWAYS lol is there a script for MOHAA or a file taht will make it like SH...u know how u can only lean while ur still...there must be ...u cant lean at all in single player in AA....BEEN LOOKING ALLL OVER ANY HELP WOULD BE GREAT
There has to be a code written that tells the game to lean or not when you press the lean button. If you can just take it out when the person is running that would be great. Sorry, I can't help, but I am sure someone on these forums has the ability to make a mod that stops the use of leaning while running. More realism in aa games is what we are all looking for.
run a server taht is sniper only...{5thMSS} maybe u seen it..well i am constantly kicking ppl fo leaing as we only allow it around a corner or while u still...none of taht bs where ppl actually think it is realistic to jump up lean to the left run to the right while scopeing and shooting a kar 98---ANYWAYS lol is there a script for MOHAA or a file taht will make it like SH...u know how u can only lean while ur still...there must be ...u cant lean at all in single player in AA....BEEN LOOKING ALLL OVER ANY HELP WOULD BE GREAT
i posted this at help there
yes i know that --see...thats why im asking for a mod...coz moh doesnt...see eek: oOo: ed:
Thats why I dont play Allied Assault anymore... every server I go to has a dozen people running around with snuiper rifles and they are running, leaning, and shooting at the same time, its dumb. Real snipers stay in one position and try not to reveal themselves. One shot, not 5 in a row while you run around the enemy. I think some people have the wrong idea.