yeah, even a direct shot to the rear of a tiger would by a bazooka would most likely do nothing. I've heard stories of tigers taking 2 or 3 shots in the ass by a A sherman and not going down. Best bet with a zook would be to disable the tracks
the weakest part of any tank was the front underbelly, or the rear bottom, thats where armor didnt need to be as thick, with one well placed shot to the front bottom you stand a better chance of taking out the tanks crew which makes the tank unusable.
yes i know alot about ww2 and history and yes the bazooka was powerful but it had no match against a tiger or a panther unless you shot it on the sides where the armor was around 2inches but not in front in front of a tiger tank the armor was as thick as 4inches in some cases. but sticky bombs did a good job at taking a tank out but in ww2 there werent many cases of gi's using sticky bombs but they did. but not that much at all
Okay, I know quite a bit about general WWII history and such, but not much about the weapons they used. So my knowledge on this particular topic comes from SPR and the SP demo.
In SPR, Horvath fires a couple of rounds at a tank and they seem to 'bounce' off. In the SP demo, you've got to scorch both a half-track and a T tank. Are SPR and more specifically the SP demo accurate?
Would it really take 5 hits to knock out a tank (if you don't count the lucky shot)? How about 2 to take out a half-track?
Or is it different for a 'Panzershrek' (sp)?
[This message has been edited by ATB (edited January 18, 2002).]
well the American bazooka WAS dreadfully it could never knock a tiger out...the only chance you would have would be to shoot it in the ass,where the armor was thinner.the SP demo isn't very accurate in this,I would have liked to see you having to sneak up on the tank and blast it in the rear.....
In the SP demo, for simplistic gameplay reasons, any 5 shots will take out the Tiger tank. In real life, a tank has varying levels of armour, which is mostly concentrated to the front. The sides are slightly weaker, and generally the rear is the weakest. (I don't know about the top though, how strong is the armour at the top?)
Who was the genius that came up with that one? All the allies had to do was move around to the rear(I'm not saying it was an easy task) and shoot that huge 2 ton ass that also had the exposed gas tanks. Which was a bad decision but also a good one. It kept the crew away from the highest concentration of expolosives with it being outside and all but if you were to get a shot on one of those things, bye bye Tiger.
[This message has been edited by Newgate[USAR] (edited January 18, 2002).]
Rear end was weaker cause that's where the engine and cooling were. On top they where about as well armoured as the sides, with the exception of the rear part again. Panzershrek was good against a sherman, or a T-28TU. They were pretty useless against real MBTs such as the Tiger, King Tiger or T-34/85, except in the rear.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Newgate[USAR]: Who was the genius that came up with that one? All the allies had to do was move around to the rear(I'm not saying it was an easy task) and shoot that huge 2 ton ass that also had the exposed gas tanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Probably the same "genius" that designed the Pinto!
go hossy..go hossy, go!
_sig to be modified_//_
And don't confuse Panzershreks, bazookas and Panzerfausts. I guess while a Faust looks cheaper than hell, it had a great shaped charge and took out allied tanks very well....much better than a bazooka.
Truely...the Panzerfaust was a great weapon...they took out MANY Soviet tanks during the berlin assault...and easy to use..the Wermacht handed them out to civilians in the defense of berlin...
BUT..the purpose of anti-tank weapons were to DISABLE a tank,rather than destroy it...I think that a shot in the tracks would have immobilized it and allowed allied troops to storm it like in SPR...grenade down the