06-03-2003, 02:31 PM
I heard of makin ur own sever without payin any $ the reason im asking this is b/c i have one computer that is just dedicated to running mohaa severs but i dont wanna pay. so how would i make a sever without out payin?
thx but i found out how to make a sever as a dedicated sever then i found the ip for that game that i made, and told my friends they tried to join but it always said timed out! i tried turning off my firewall but it was already off so i duno what to do, in order to let people in my games.
OK place the computer that is running the dedicated game in the DMZ of your router.
You should be able to join the game, on your second computer, with the LAN access
Your friend would join the game by using the game browser to connect to your IP address.
This works for me come on by and see
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**