In this topic: [url:7b9f3] #470732[/url:7b9f3] is some advice.
If you have a Microsoft or Logitech mouse, it shouldn't be too difficult. Other brand? Then the advice is to buy on eof the above, if I remember correctly.
well i downloaded the software to microsofts mouse and it works with other brands,so...i use it to config the 4,5 buttons to delete/backspace and then just went to the Control Panel in mohaa and voila
I also gurentee that the Logitech mx500 works. You have to use the Microsoft software though, not the logitech software, you also have to use the PS2 port not the USB.
Dude Microsoft Intell 3.0 mouse is the best out thier right now, using cordless mouse 1 day your in a match and battery goes dead have to shut down your RIG and get new battiers. Why play with fate with Battery power
when electricty does the job and then some. I use the 3.0 Intel mouse
nothing beats it.
The microsoft is half as fast as the Logitech, Youll have to turn down your mouse speed to at least half when you first use the Logitech, so I don't believe the Micrsoft is better in any way.
Ok the ozzy can the Lontech due this can it track the movents by scanning your desktop 6,000 times per second. If so post what the that Longtech u are talking about.