ok i want to make a pacific mod before the game comes out.i havfe a bunch of skins already but i need more.and i need someone who can model or convert weapons for me.if you can help me make it please say so.or email me at kevino@insightbb.com Thx a lot cool:
can u make a pacific theater type jungle map,? if u have seen windtalkers u should know the part sorta in the begining when enders and thew indian are runing up the BIG battlefeild,try to map that.PLEASE..........THX a LOT
lol i kno we do,i am still welcoming poeple to help.if u need to contact me my aim sn is powerman500111,yahoo is bb_pvt_kev and i think my msn(im never on msn)is powerman50011@msn.com,,thx
Check out [url=http://www.studsquad.org/public/pacmod/index2.html:107ac]Hell in The Pacific[/url:107ac] They have already got a lot of new skins / Japanese weapons / maps for the Pacifc mod they are making