Also Check out the Chill Lounge forums! Absolutely no gripes, we are a Drama free Lounge, so all who likes to Chill, Talk about MOHAA and other cool stuff than your always welcome to visit our Site biggrin: biggrin:
Sorry to hear that you are dropping the ball on AA. I cannot fully understand why you are doing this, but I can understand why you will not return to these forums. If anything I said to you has pushed you in your decision, well I apologize. I just wanted to state my opinion which I feel I am entitled to do.
Good luck with any future projects you may work on.
i agree that this forum has gone to hell... it used to be fun when I started because when you asked for something, you got it and new things were made every day. now that more and more people caught on, everyone starts fights and every topic gets changed to something dumb. i dont even play mohaa anymore because it got old. now i play dod, but thats another story. i am done here too, later all.
I dont blame you Cobra. This 34 year old gamer has had enough of it as well...constant bitching, flaming. I could go on about all the great skins and mods people promise but we never see. (apologies to Guarnere) When you work at a professional level, like me, you learn not to do that. Adios amigos
Cobra, where will we be able to find your future releases?
yes, i am sorry to hear you are leaving, but it is totally understandable with your reasoning. i also wonder where i can go to see any of your future mods.
People suck... get used to it lol but I think you're being really unfair to those who appreciate your work.. that goes for all the modders who leave because of flamers or whatever the nerd word for arsehole is... It sounds like you just want people to beg you to stay .. to boost your ego or something like that .. I won't judge.. maybe you have yur reasons.. self esteem issues and etc. but .. really ... if you really wanted to leave you would ahve just left.. and wouldn't have made a thread about it .. and made it all dramatic.