Location: Reading 'Country Life' magazine in a crack wh0res brothel in Soho, London
06-13-2003, 05:53 PM
Big spiders and those black scorpion things, also looking over a 2ft high wall on a 2000ft high cliff with nothing to block your view to the bottom.
I really freak out over spiders, they are the one thing that I am truly afraid of.
FLuffy your scared of scorpions? ONly a couple of them are lethal. I once went climbing and put my hand down. Seconds later my mom was like "Dont move your hand you have a scorpion on it."
I looked down and froze. I didnt even fell the thing yet it would have killed me in under 20 minutes if it had stung me. nature is amazing
Location: Reading 'Country Life' magazine in a crack wh0res brothel in Soho, London
06-13-2003, 06:15 PM
It's not that they sting, I'm not scared of snakes at all, even if one was poisonous I would be scared of the poison but not the snake. The scorpions freak me out a little kus of the way they look. If one was on the desk here infront of me I would freak out, If there was a grass snake here I would not. If there was a tarantula here then I would do a 30 second mile cry:
Spiders i hate them i wouldnt say im afraid of them but i will kill them when i see one in the house, im not afraid to get close and squish him biggrin:
Location: yrop, sveden (for the rest of the world that means Europe Sweden)
06-14-2003, 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by BucKweEd
i mean look at them[url:f82b5]http://www.freedsphotography.com/spiders.jpg[/url:f82b5]
That looks like on of those spiders from mars or some crap like that. Those are pretty scary cause they don't hunt like normal spiders and they have like super powers or some shit like that, can't really recall but there was a show about them on the discovery channel.
Location: yrop, sveden (for the rest of the world that means Europe Sweden)
06-14-2003, 08:54 AM
[quote="Sgt Stryker":98834]death by fire, or worse, being doused with burning avgas and still living[/quote:98834]
What does avgas mean?
I couldn't find it in the dictionary.........and no i'm not making fun of you or anythign like that (if it turns out it was only a typo), I'd really want to learn a new word.
Man, I hate spiders, they brought one to school at got it close to me and I ran across the room one the desk, I hate spdiers, I never mow up against the house cuase they run out of the area between house and and gorund. If you get a Spider, it needs to be pretty big, near me and get in my way then there is a chance you might get hurt. Not that I would hurt you on purpose, its just I would freak out and go crazy. biggrin: