Let's make this short...the anti cheat patch isn't working...why..because I was in a server today at the anti cheat patch being installed on this server didn't help the fact that clan members from [OSS] were spawning THROUGH THE GROUND AND GRENADING ALLIES AT THE START..yes you heard me correctly..they fly around through the ground and cheat as people were leaving..I've been excited about this game the whole time, and am dying to play it like everyone else..and playing online..I haven't had this much fun since HL..but if someone at EA doesn't get rid of these bugs and cheats..I may seriously consider not buying it...its people like those little 12 year old proicks that ruin a great game..Let's help get this message out to EA everyone...and if you don't believe that you can cheat and fly around under ground by putting stupid codes in the console..go to that server Cthulhu - w/Realism Mod Enabled|94ms| of little fucks..
I thought that server (Cthulhu) only had realism enabled, NOT anti-cheat. sounds like they spawn in and then no-clip then fly across map and then turn off no-clip, and then clean house..the anti-cheat patch should stop this if the server has it enabled. but maybe these punks have figured a way to get by the anti-cheat patch.....
Those are not the REAL [OSS] clan members. About a week ago I played an MP game with 2 mebmers of the OSS, but yesterday when was talking to the OSS leader, he said he never heard of the two members I had played with.