Gauv man, I love you. You're a great asset to the modding community and many fail to see that. It's people like Splinter that piss me off. They think they're such hot shit because they know how to convert HL models and add brushes and filters on things. When he acts courteous and intelligent, I will encourage him to go on. To me he's just another annoying little brat.
Despite how many times I've proved him wrong, I think he'd be a cool guy if he put some effort into getting his shit squared away. That's all I have to say, If you people want to countinue this conversation then you can contact me VIA: AIM, PM, MSN or email.
The skins are all right but they need more like some gear. I dont think if i was out in the woods i would be nice and clean , just put some dirt on him or somthing and some gear and it will be better. cool:
It would be cool if it actually looked like Bruce Willis instead of a giant log of shit.
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! Innoxx, I hafta say, that is the funniest shit I have heard in months. No idea why it is.....but it is. Alas I have to agree on the skin, it needs work definately. But keep trying no doubt.
I'm not gonna pander do these shiftless no-talent pricks. Plus, we have a whole shitload of modern mods in development already. I'm keeping my eye out for Modern Assault.