innoxx seems to be the best choice, but an admin that will actually clean up the database instead of deleting people at random is needed more. my vote for that would be zoner, he's active and doesn't seem to go on crusades against a specific person.
Someone who is 18 or older.
Somoene who has been here for more then a year.
Someone who visits the fourm often.
Someone who doesn't spam, or post useless crap.
Someone who is overall, a nice person, but won't let everyone get away with everything.
important question>>>does this site even need a mod? i mean ....its almsot impossible ti okeep trtack of ths shit that gooes on here and it is omostly gonna be poinless posts anyways
I think it's interesting that some of you have stated that this site needs a 'more active mod'. Think about what you're asking for. Someone that spams and posts just as much as you do. And what will happen when this newer, more active Mod bans someone for excessive spamming? You will jump right down his throat and accuse him of doing the same thing, asking for his removal, if not his head on a platter.
1. I'm able to check the boards often.
2. I'm getting tired of all the immature n00bs, especially the ones in the M/M/S section
3. I know the diffrence between usless garbge and spam that should be locked, and stuff that acctully has a point or meaning
4. We REALLY need more mods in the M/M/S section! The n00bs are running wild in there and it's getting out of control ed:
5. I believe that just one new mod isn't enough.
stfu you aint going to be a moderator. *wink wink*
well only problem with ed is that he's never on. ydiss isn't on much. lol, i think innox would be an ok mod, i was just posting that crap earlier to test him out, well he didn't snap, good job. tripper is ok when he's not defending his rap music. *wink wink* old reliable posts a lot but he would never do anything as a mod i can tell you that. but the real persons we need as mods is...