No, I wasn't the only one, but I tell you this buddy. All the textures were done by Bruno. All of that map scripting and mapping, was done by me. Bruno helped out alittle bit, but I did all the big shit. Now you can sit here and talk shit to me just because I said that I don't like your mod. You know nothing about EyeCandy, and you know nothing about me. Accept the criticism I gave or flip out over it. End of discussion.
Look guys, u both are wonderful modders...plz, dont argue over sumthing so small..ppl have their own decisions on things, not all people are the, powell, ur eyecandy was great, itamar ur sound mod was also very good. Okay guys? just relax, nj btw on ur sound mod
wizked sound mod... me love it, but is everything accurate to the real weapons... i dont have a broad knowledge of weapon sound but some like the colt sounds extremely diff from stock one.
Itamar, I have not d/l the sound mod and I dont know if I will, but I know that you need to be ready for critizism. I am sorry but not everyone is gonna like it and if they dont you need to take their critizism and use it to your advantage. Take what MPowell said and use it. Make the sounds more like WWII sounds. If you did not know what they sounded like do a lil research. Then from then you can make a better one. But ALWAYS be prepared for ppl that wont like it.
And NO ONE should rip on MPowell. he is a great and talented person. If anything he deserves your respect he works his ass off on things for everyone to benefit from. So lay off of him.
As for the guy talking about the CoD in MPOwell's sig. Dude is there a law saying that you cannot mod 2, 3, 4, or 20 games if you wanted to? No one knows who you are and you need to argue about points that are legit towards the conversation.
And I find it better to have sounds as accurate as possible according to films instead of true life , because getting those is pretty impossible unless you have the entire fleet in your house...
That's the only thing I'm saying here
The reason I'm angry about Powell is the he just jumps on me because we had a fight about some matter , and that's not cool.
Still let it go all the same bro. It is no thing to sit here and bitch at ppl from behind a computer. Just let it go ok? kewl Well I ended up D/l the mod and I happen to like it. No it is not too accurate but hell it is kewl. Thanks for your hard work!
[quote="Kamil-RS":b0734][quote="The-Jackal":b0734]Man ur the Noobish modder in the entire mohaa community..!!
u having cod modder at your sig.. cod is not even released so go fuck urself..!!
Itamar's soundmod sounds great.!!!
He is one of the modders that are making these mods availible and investing time into these mods to release them to the public..!!
he is one of the many modders that keeps mohaa updated...!!!
So you should not diss his mod off..!!
he ripped of nothing i've been folowing him at msn and chatting he worked on this mod a half year, and putted alot of time in this mod to make it is realistic as possible, everyone has their own opinion about sounds?
they like this sound,i like this,he likes this..!!
So don't come in here and tell us he ripped the sounds from other mods or games..!!! cry:[/quote:b0734]
your gonna rip on powell?!¿ he made Eye Candy!! that is way more then you will do in a life time! keep up the good work Itamar and powell. death to noobs![/quote:b0734]
yes! death to n00bs! stop bugging me about when i'll be releasing my stuff!!!! n00bs hake:
Jesus Powell, im not usually one to step in, but give the man a break OK, if your so great powell and you know what the real guns sound like then make your own frickin mod and leave his alone! Didnt your mother ever tell you "If you dont have somthin nice to say, then dont say it at all"?!?!