Lately, most games have been insulting players with pathetic unsatisfying endings that either occur abruptly or just down right suck.
Unfortunately, it looks like MoH:AA is going to be yet another member of the games with shitty endings club.
The review at Invisible Dream claims, "...the game leaves you with an anti-climatic ending..." and
IGN's review indicates the game has an "...abrupt sort of ending..." so it doesn't look like we have a lot to look forward to after finishing the game.
While it looks like some will probably end up bitching and moaning at 2015 about the game's ending (if the contents of these two reviews turn out to be true), most people are already used to playing games that are fun to the last minute and then boot you off with terrible ending.
So do any of you really care about game endings?
More importantly, if MoH:AA ends up having a crummy ending (like those reviews are hinting), will it really matter to you or will you honestly be pissed off?
I'm just curious to see what other people think about this...