1. How do I make animated sigs, what program do I need, is it hard? You need a program like Adobe ImageReady to make animations. They're not hard to make, but they are hard to make really well.
2. How do I get bgs from pics, like a field of grass or something? Do I lasso around ppl in the pic then do shift+control+I and then control+X You either make the backgrounds yourself in Photoshop or find source pics on the 'net. Try Google Image search.
He's not fucken spamming! He's just asking a question.
He only asked it once, he did not start a post for no use. You as in (Sniping Rocks) always so that people spam...when you're actually the spammer...kind of..
Anyways Image Ready for Animations and For picss of grass, you can make it with one of the custom brush or I always use the trusty http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=w ... e=UTF-8&q=
And the thing with lasso, I don't know wtf you're talking about.