All around:Getting action last yeear w00t! biggrin:
Dead bodies dont count you necrophilliac
Good one did they teach you that in 6th grade? Since when is getting action limited to just sex? Why dont you fuck off and find a new forum you thread ruining spaming n00b?
Edit: And only a narrow-minded immature little prick like you would make such assumptions without knowing the person at least I know you wont get any any time soon because as I recall you are one ugly sumbitch and Tripper compared you to Alf, haha it was funny but what what was even funnier was the comparsion was actually close and not completely off the wall. You should really stop spamming this place you will probably answer this thread 8 or 9 more times making your immature little bone smoker comments like you do on ever single thread that has been posted here on your reign of spam that made you go from 100 posts to well over 1700 in nearly 1/5 of the time it will take me. PLEASE SIT THE HELL DOWN n00b!
Sorry about the thread hi-jack. Feel free to post accomplishments biggrin:
You sure as hell dont act it. I hate to act like a mom but winters is 10 and he shows 5x the amount of:
Common courtisy
and he doesn't spam every thread with 8 or so replies just because he wants a higher post count. This conversation is done don't even reply, I hate to give you a reason to spam your idiocy.