just copy paste the link i gave into the white space & press start. it downloads the page over & over. hence wasting all his bandwidth. iof you get enough people running it you may even be able to crash it.
ok, new features are you can use a proxy, it will make it hella slow but if you like protection just paste the i.p in the line. if you dont want to use a proxy just leave it blank. now put the link ( http://dragonslegacy.board.dk3.com/2/faq.php ) in all 5 slows then at the bottom set connections to 5. then start & it will take care of itself. anyproblems post them here please
Given the fact that you could not only crash a website, but cost its owner hundreds of dollars using that program, there is no way I can let you post that link here.
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
hahaha,im using it now, can i put it lower than 4000 for some evil stuff? evil:
well i guess you could. thats the amout on time it spends downloading the page so if you set it too low you dont get the full page. play around with it till you find whatever works best.
like the hundreds of dollars we are no doubt costing dodstudios...
I remember what that upload site was like before it was posted here, I think they had roughly 120 pics uploaded. Now, sheesh I don't even want to count. There's gotta be at least 1000, if not more.