Location: Castle von Panzernacker, Virginia, or In Da Club, or in da studio, depending on my mood swings
06-27-2003, 08:45 PM
lousy canadians. u c that's the real reason why we fought in vietnam, good women (i mean just watch full metal jacket or something, "'she give u all u want for ten dolla,' 'man, shyt, i ain't got that much. look thas lousiana black snake righ there.' 'ok, five dolla then'.) and that's why canada would never get invaded by anyone, there wouldn't seem to be a point. plus it would be too easy.
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
06-28-2003, 06:39 AM
[quote="Unknown_Sniper":39c40]also cause you were scared b/c canada didnt have big black snakes(I know what it means do you). and j/k about canada. NO grudges against them anymore[/quote:39c40]I still have the canada sig that was made for you
Location: Castle von Panzernacker, Virginia, or In Da Club, or in da studio, depending on my mood swings
06-28-2003, 11:12 AM
ok i'll cut down on the canada jokes. makin fun of dutch people is a lot better anyway. (and i was just throwin some funny lines from full metal jacket in there. it's pretty obvious what he means when he says "louisiana black snake" anyway)