just got the game its very cool. but i thought i would let you know. if you plan on waiting to get it you may not get one. only 50,000 will be made. and most stores where i live sold out already. good luck
it has a art book, a patch, a medal, and the book is autographed. plus there is different stuff on line that collectors edition gets. like cooler cloths and shit.
only 50,000 eh? I thought nthey would want more after Episode 2 flopped. But im gonna get the deluxe for that pic of George
But honestly, whats so special about a patch and a medal. and cooler clothes? WTF, does your Jar-Jar Binks shirt now say "Cooler than other cuz i pay more money. Party in my back!"
just got the game its very cool. but i thought i would let you know. if you plan on waiting to get it you may not get one. only 50,000 will be made. and most stores where i live sold out already. good luck
didnt read it was told bye my game guy. in a few months you wont get it. the game is great very indepth. grafix are just killer. so is game play. working my way up to a bounty hunter. o and i had to get collectors because normal one sold out 1st day. whats 25 more bucks. the art book will prob be worth that much in a few years.