Just wanted to let all the Canucks know that I just picked up my copy 10 minutes ago at the Future Shop in Windsor Ontario.
The guy was just bringing them out to display.
I got the first legit copy in Windsor I bet.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Test4echo: MP3's are NOT illegal. Downloading MP3's are not illegal.
When they are, I'll stop. Warez however, are illigal...whats your point?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
How are MP3's not illegal? You are still going behind the artist's back insead of paying full pop for the album. MP3's are just as illegal as warez. I would rather pay $20.00 for a CD than $70.00 for a game.
I make more than your 55k salary and still I try to get warez whenever I can. I'm not cheap, I just think that if you can get it for free than why bother paying the frickin royalties?
MP3's are Not illegal. Where are you fellas geting your info?
I'm sure SOME artists and record companies wish downloading MP3's could put you in jail or land you a hefty fine. At least in Canada I can download MP3's to my hearts content. The Law says I can. I can even buy MP3 players from Walmart or the Future shop.
Where else do you get MP3's besides the net using Napster or Gnutela type software?
Whens the last time a record company released an album in MP3 format for use on an MP3 player?
Warez on the other hand are Illegal. You can go to jail or be fined for having such warez on your property. The law says its illegal to own or posses pirated software.
If you can't see the difference between the to then your an idiot.
Anyhow, I didn't post this message as a flame on warez and thieves like you fellas.
I only wanted to you know that Future Shop had the game in stock today. That all.
People have a way of turning threads inside out. Its too bad.
[This message has been edited by Test4echo (edited January 22, 2002).]