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Default Guys... - 06-29-2003, 11:37 PM

Actually I bought MoH:AA the first day it came out a year ago...I never had the chance to try Spearhead though until I downloaded the demo a few days ago. It's pretty cool, with the new British and Russian weapons...The Malta map is okay...But I wanna play more maps that's why I'm planning to get the Deluxe Edition...If the game is not worth buying do you mind telling me why? All I heard so far is that the game's 'horrible'...Well that doesn't really justify the game does it? Please tell me why it is/is not worth buying...Thanks guys...
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Default 06-29-2003, 11:57 PM

It has more bugs than MOHAA. You can accaully get stuck in mid-air and not be able to jump/crouch. The singleplayer lags terribly. Multiplayer is much less stable than MOHAA. The SH maps are laggy and made so spawn camping is encouraged. You can get SH if you want... but why spend $50 on the deluxe version if you already have MOHAA?

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WeeMan is Offline
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Default 06-30-2003, 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by Hobbes
have you tried it lately most of the bugs have been fixed with the 2.15 patch.
i still see a few ass sliders
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Default 06-30-2003, 12:48 AM

stunna is that a cod screenshot in your sig?
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Default 06-30-2003, 02:35 AM

Originally Posted by Akuma
It has more bugs than MOHAA. You can accaully get stuck in mid-air and not be able to jump/crouch. The singleplayer lags terribly. Multiplayer is much less stable than MOHAA. The SH maps are laggy and made so spawn camping is encouraged. You can get SH if you want... but why spend $50 on the deluxe version if you already have MOHAA?
Thanks for the info, now I'll reconsider...The reason I want the deluxe edition is simply cuz the new models included on the 'Bonus CD'. Thanks alot for the info though, now I'll think twice before going to EB again.
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Default 06-30-2003, 04:19 AM

Ok, here's as fair as a review I can give the game whilst still trying to be impartial.

I'll keep it simple, positives and negatives:

  • New weapons: There are some nice additions here. The Russian weapons are all excellent and the British weapons, particularly the Lee Enfield rifle, are top-notch. Excellent sound, quality models and good balance.[/*:m:2033c]
  • Fairly decent single player missions: Although short the single player missions are quite well scripted and are quite fun. A little too easy, even on hard, but the strong references to Band of Brothers adds a lot to the atmosphere.[/*:m:2033c]
  • New skins: Some of the new skins are good quality, some less so. There is definitely more variety here (particularly for Allies).[/*:m:2033c]
  • Improved UI: Better voting tool, clearer and more defined text and a much more professional feel to the HUD.[/*:m:2033c]

  • Single player is too short and too easy. Although what is there is good quality it’s far too short-lived to make it worth paying anything more than budget price for.[/*:m:2033c]
  • Horrible Multi-player maps: Most of the “new” maps are user-made. Most of these are ok looking but run like hogs and are horribly slow. This is due to either inconsiderate mappers who refuse to create playable and well designed maps and plump for “realistic” settings, or it is due to inexperienced mappers who just do not know how to create a map that performs well. There are one or two well-made maps in this expansion but there are far more poorly made ones which will ruin your experience. Even on an Athlon XP 2000+ (1.67Ghz), Geforce3 64Mb and 512 DDR ram I experienced less than 10 FPS on some maps with only 10 players. Disgusting, really, considering the game is supposed to have the same spec requirements as MoH:AA. Plus there are no new objective maps. The poor quality maps aspect is the single most critical negative this expansion suffers from – With quality maps the game would be just about bearable.[/*:m:2033c]
  • Bugs: Plenty of them – More so than MoH:AA. I won’t go into details (mostly because I’ve not bothered to play the game long enough to learn them all) but the most glaring bug is the infamous “butt-slide”. In MoH:AA when a player is hit they would flinch slightly and a puff of smoke would emit. This is quite subtle, perhaps too subtle for some, but it was enough to show that you had struck your opponent and it didn’t interrupt with the flow of the game. Well, in SH, EA took it to the other extreme – And how. Now, when a player is struck, 9 times out of 10 they will react with an animation that, in its own right, looks fine. They fall back on their behind and hold out a hand to stop themselves.
    Now, that looks fine if they are standing still but combine it with a player who is moving and firing their weapon and you have a comical-looking butt-sliding effect. Not only is this seriously off-putting but it is ridiculously unrealistic. Quite how a man can slide around on his arse with both hands on the ground and still manage to fire as accurately as standing, I don’t know. It means that you can no longer “pop” your opponents with the rifle as accurately as in MoH:AA (which is a huge skill) because the first shot that hits them makes them duck, twist and turn as if they were on acid, making that follow-up shot incredibly difficult. Unfortunately this means that most players will plump for automatics, or the more powerful sniper rifles, particularly in realism modes.
    Whilst I imagine you could get used to this bug, I don’t particularly see why you should have to. It doesn’t add anything to the game, it’s totally unrealistic and it looks far worse than any lean-strafing freak from MoH:AA ever looked – But with this bug everyone does it even without trying; Very poor.[/*:m:2033c]
  • Very few servers: Unfortunately, due to the general apathy towards this expansion, there are very few servers compared to MoH:AA (and that hasn’t exactly got tens of thousands). This means that there is less choice. And, with a game that has so many variables (Realism, Stock, TDM, RB, Objective, TOW and so on – Plus you’d want to find a server that doesn’t play the slow and horrible maps, if possible) that is a very bad thing.[/*:m:2033c]

There you have it. I actually bought the expansion at a reduced price despite what everyone told me about it. I’m glad it was reduced because I uninstalled it only a couple of weeks after I got it.

If you have a behemoth of a PC or don’t mind playing with less than 10 frames a second then you might want to try this out.

Otherwise, save your money. This expansion takes a lot of hard work to get used to it, unless you’re very lucky to find a server that runs only decent maps, that happens to run the mode that you enjoy and has a mod to eliminate butt-sliding (if that works at all).

It’s just an amateurish effort, in my opinion.
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Default 06-30-2003, 01:43 PM

1. Single player is great but to short, took me 6 hours to get through it on hard.

2. Maps: Gewitter (converted thunder map) I've always disliked it.
Holland is a true FPS pig.

The rest I dont have a problem with.

3. Butt skid fixed with 2.15 patch although it still sometimes occur when 2.11 players are on server. As for hitting with a rifle never had a problem with it.
The Mosin Nagent rules.

4. 709 server last check.

5. sv_pure is an effective anti-cheat which does not excist in MOH>

Most people that have a negative opinion of spearhead are so called old school MOH and dont like it because its not exactly like MOH. It has its problems but them so does MOH.

I play both but will only do ladders in spearhead because of the hack in MOH.
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0GriM ThE ReapeR0 is Offline
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Default 06-30-2003, 01:46 PM

akuma u play spearhead dont u on cuz ive played with a llc akuma before
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Default 06-30-2003, 01:47 PM

Yeah I play SH. I hate. I only play it so I can be with my friends.

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0GriM ThE ReapeR0 is Offline
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Default 06-30-2003, 02:03 PM

o thats cool
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Default 06-30-2003, 04:41 PM

Reasons not to buy SH

.I have what people would call an Über PC. I can run all games smoothly with 4X AA turned on and settings maxed out. On SH, hell no. My FPS goes straight to hell and never comes back. Its especially bad on Holland and Ardennes.

.SP is way too easy and short. Ydiss explained this earlier on

No and i mean ABSOLUTELY NO support from EA. You ask them for something, tell them about a bug, etc. Nothing, they dont even pick up the phone when you call them

Buttslide boogie is something I absolutely cant stand. Here i am, with my Mosin Nagant rifle. I see a German running down a hill. i shoot him, he slides down the hill, firing his StG44. All the shots hit me, killing me, even though his player model's gun was pointing up into the sky. This makes me grab my monitor and yell out "FUCK YOU ASSWIPE!"

No teamwork whatsoever. Its Quake 3 with WWII models and weapons. In DoD, teamwork is a must. If you dont have, you might as well quit, cuz youre not gonna win or have a very fun time. In SH, it only takes one man to win a map. Its strictly dm
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Default 06-30-2003, 08:41 PM

Ydiss, Hobbes, Sclass12 and the rest, thanks for the information you guys provided me. I'm just using a PIII with GForce2 so I dun think Spearhead is for me...MoH runs smoothly on my machine but I doubt Spearhead will do the same...Thanks alot guys
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Default 07-01-2003, 05:16 PM

try getting Day of Defeat. Its a great game and it will run pretty good on your machine
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