Location: On the phone with badscript. ..what's that badscript? No I won't have sex with you to ban joe!
06-30-2003, 12:08 AM
innoxx is a cool guy (mostly) and i agree with him being a hard ass on the n00bs...which you apparently fall into the catagory of?
and i attack religious beliefs all the time. mostly muslims but a bible whore can be even more annoying at times. it's nothing more than a tool to control the weak and make people not so afraid to die.
And what exactly was the point to all this? I fell dumber for having read it. Maybe if you people would look at what your doing, you'd realize that YOU , yes YOU, are the ones feuling Innoxx's brazen attacks. Give him no reason to attack you and he won't.
As far as that goes man. You're right I'm not afraid to die. And are you some kind of redneck that attacks anything that is different than you. Or are you an atheist that attacks people that have a relegion because your afraid of how many there are and how few of you there are.
Location: On the phone with badscript. ..what's that badscript? No I won't have sex with you to ban joe!
06-30-2003, 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Cueballthebald
As far as that goes man. You're right I'm not afraid to die. And are you some kind of redneck that attacks anything that is different than you. Or are you an atheist that attacks people that have a relegion because your afraid of how many there are and how few of you there are.