Funny how you guys flame over the slightest slam against a game!
The reason most game reviewers give the games high marks is because if they don't the publishers won't send them free stuff!So they kiss their a**!
That's his opinion so let him have it.....He doesn't like the game so that gives all you Fanboys the right to flame someone!
Grow up and learn to respect other peoples opinions!
But I see most of you can't do that,Which just proves how imature you are!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I give your review a grade of F.
Dumbass. You suck, if you dont like this game, you have bad taste.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
lol ok
Now I can understand if you wanted to have an open discussion with Cerberus as to why he didn't like the game.But you just flame him for his opinion!
If you don't like his post don't read it and if you have,Give the reason why you liked it.
And maybe just maybe you might say something that he might have missed or didn't know about,You might just change his mind.
Many gamers are let down by this project because for 2 years the developers have been boasting how this is going to be the best and most realistic WWII sim out there.Well they didn't exactly deliver on this did they?They had to leave some of the game out because of EA wanting the game released as is..........NOT COMPLETE !
It was the same with B-17-2 The Mighty 8TH, Baulders gate II,AO and the list goes on.Many people are fed up with developers touting a game one way and delivering another!
If your having so much fun with the game why are you here instead of playing the game?
I know I will get flamed for this so Asbestos suit is zipped up

flame away!
You feel like dying today don't ya?!
[This message has been edited by Dasher (edited January 23, 2002).]