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MoH General Discussion General Discussion about Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, expansions and Pacific Assault

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Centurion is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 02:17 AM

Just because people play something doesn't make it good. CS is popular because people can go to the store and buy it. A good amount of those same people wouldn't go out trolling for other mods to compare it to. You can tell this by CS players acting like CS was the first mod ever. I want to enjoy this game but I fear this will turn into a CS crowd (kind of already has) and be filled with a lot of idiots and cheaters.

There's a bunch of mods out there guys and not just for HL.

The time for half measures and talk is over.
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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 02:51 AM

no this is far from CS, people here dont have enough skill to be good enough to even be mentioned in the same breath.

the average skill level on good CS(non cheat) servers is very high. something i have yet to see on average for MoH.
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Death is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 03:07 AM

Wait, you know what. I agree in some ways. But i only agree with the Multi player part. I dont care if the Single Player is rambo, its dissapointing but still a really good fun game. Im not a HUGE ww2 buff who complains the second im alone and calls it rambo

I do agree with however the MP expericance. Wheres the TDM? Its only DM from the little AFK's. Plus, letting snipers on Omaha was the biggest mistake in gaming history and totally ruins the map. Someone release a mutator or something that doesnt allow snipers on Omaha.

Not yer average death.
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AlphaLeader is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 04:43 AM

guys have you noticied it might be kond of hard for non-coder modders to do what your asking for? takeing the sniper rifle off the map? I dunno but never heard of that loll. maybe makeing classes would be easier and editing the code of the map to block the sniper. cool whatever.

"MOHAA Mod Team Leader"
If you want some type of mod tell me and be sepcific.
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bigGUNS is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 05:04 AM

Originally posted by cybertoolzz:

CS still beats this game for the BEST mp experience - but remember Cerberus - this is just the START for mohaa - u will recall the way HL/CS looked when it first came out - what? 3 YEARS ago now??

CS sucks, first of all. The people who still play it are little 13 and 14 year old preteen faggots who have no maturity and no desire to play as a team. And furthermore, CS's weapons and code have been so dumbed down for newbies and potential buyers (Goose sold out, remember?) that it almost makes you worse to have any kind of skill. You don't know what I mean unless you have played since very early (CS is not three years old btw, two and a half. June 1999 I believe. You talk like CS has always been Halflife's flagship mod).

AI = B- DAMN hard - very good;
The AI is abismal. They run straight at you shooting. Thats not good AI. Good AI would flank you, take cover, throw yourgrenades back at you. If you mean the AI is hard in that the enemy soldiers are good shots, that has absolutely nothing to do with realistic AI.

models = D+ they suck. the player models and weapons need SERIOUS help;

Holy shit. You are stupid. From the viewpoint of being a good skinner, I can tell you that the models and textures in this game are excelent, at least. The weapons are great and the player models are astonishing. Why dont you go match the graphics up with a photo and stop comparing it to Counter-Strike's shitty textures.

maps = C+ very authentic scenes - very realistic looking - good architecture - but high r_speeds in some maps (those with tress notably) cause LOTS of system burden and bring even a powerful sys to a slow down;

Thats your computer. Not everybody elses. I know for me it runs fine. Maybe most other people have better computers and get better performance. Ever think about that?


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Saturation is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 08:04 AM

realistic ? NO , authentic ? YES ... thats the difference and thats what mohaa is authentic.

I think 2015 has gone out of the way a bit to make the game playable rather than anally realistic.

As for the net-code hell it aint the best but if you got a good conn and your hooked up to a dedi server its fine.

Sure theyre some bugs in the AI, but its not a disaster... aside from the fact that the AI tends to sit in a room till your 10 feet away firing and they all come piling out together, otherwise its competent to be honest.

[This message has been edited by Saturation (edited January 23, 2002).]
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Mosquito is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 08:37 AM

Of course the games not realistic. In world war 2, the average soldier was lucky to get 4 or 5 kills throughout the entire war, much less 95 kills in 1 hour. How exciting a game would that be? spend hours searching, followed by fire a couple of shots hide again, fire a couple of more, hide again, and pray that your couple of shots manages to hit somebody. The game has to have a certain level of arcade style shoot m up to make it fun to play.

And by the way, their were several german sniper regiments manning the beaches in Normandy, so that aspect, like it or not, is historically accurate at least.

And no I'm not flaming anybody, just pointing some things out.

I know nothing of MP yet. We have an RTCW server set up at work and play that at lunch and after work, maybe we'll set up a MOHAA to see how it flies

Remember Dieppe
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cybertoolzz is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 08:54 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by quiet:
When a full blown realism mod comes out for MOH:AA then we can compare it to CS, otherwise you'd have to compare MOH:AA to the non-modded version of some other game.


fair enuff quiet,

compare mohaa to HL then - being as the two are both basically fps shooters - HL rocked the gaming world and everygame since HL, incl mohaa, has tried to emulate HL in many respects. but the field of fps shooters got very crowded after HL - SOF, RTCW, OPFOR, VENOM (outbreak), MAX PAYNE, and a few others - each one made a brief splash but none had any staying power compared to HL.
mods are the reason HL has 'legs' and mods are keeping HL alive now.

HL is TRULY a revolutionary game - will the same be said of mohaa?

still, my experince playing as the legendary Gordon Freeman will last far outlast my remberance of Lt. Powell.

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Sh3ll_Sh0ck is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 10:15 AM

For all those crying wolf over extreme realism:

You want perfect realistic and fun depiction of war? Join the army and call me while you're shivering in your foxhole as mortar shells explode over your head.

Oh and the weapon models do not suck. Why do people complain about MOHAA weapon models and not RTCW? I personaly believe RTCW's weapon models look like loaths of bread with a trigger attached.

just my 2 cents
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Dasher is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 11:20 AM

Funny how you guys flame over the slightest slam against a game!
The reason most game reviewers give the games high marks is because if they don't the publishers won't send them free stuff!So they kiss their a**!
That's his opinion so let him have it.....He doesn't like the game so that gives all you Fanboys the right to flame someone! LMAO
Grow up and learn to respect other peoples opinions!
But I see most of you can't do that,Which just proves how imature you are!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I give your review a grade of F.
Dumbass. You suck, if you dont like this game, you have bad taste.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
lol ok
Now I can understand if you wanted to have an open discussion with Cerberus as to why he didn't like the game.But you just flame him for his opinion!
If you don't like his post don't read it and if you have,Give the reason why you liked it.
And maybe just maybe you might say something that he might have missed or didn't know about,You might just change his mind.
Many gamers are let down by this project because for 2 years the developers have been boasting how this is going to be the best and most realistic WWII sim out there.Well they didn't exactly deliver on this did they?They had to leave some of the game out because of EA wanting the game released as is..........NOT COMPLETE !
It was the same with B-17-2 The Mighty 8TH, Baulders gate II,AO and the list goes on.Many people are fed up with developers touting a game one way and delivering another!
If your having so much fun with the game why are you here instead of playing the game?
I know I will get flamed for this so Asbestos suit is zipped up flame away!

You feel like dying today don't ya?!

[This message has been edited by Dasher (edited January 23, 2002).]
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quiet is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 11:24 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cybertoolzz:
overall - i tend to AGREE w/ Cerberus,
CS still beats this game for the BEST mp experience - but remember Cerberus - this is just the START for mohaa - u will recall the way HL/CS looked when it first came out - what? 3 YEARS ago now??

You can't fairly compare a mod to a full game. CS is basically a 'realism' mod for HL (despite they have a retail version now).

When a full blown realism mod comes out for MOH:AA then we can compare it to CS, otherwise you'd have to compare MOH:AA to the non-modded version of some other game.

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[HEL]Killa123 is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 11:26 AM

I've sad this before and i'll say it again...A quake 3 engine can only handle so much..anyways i know it's not a perfect game i respect your opinion kinda harsh but it CANT be the worst FPS game in history and as someone said before theres a army of modders out there they can touch the game up and it's the first day of release dont take it back just yet there is still hope for it.
Also i'll be getting this game too not because of reviews or peoples opinions because I want it and the SP demo in my opinion was great hopefully feature patches will be released to make proning possible in SP and MP
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thras is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 11:34 AM

i think there should have been more battlefields, a bit like in opf[yeah i know its not possible with q3 engine or am i wrong] or like in the bob series and more tank levels as well as more town levels would have been grade, btw i had the wish that there u would have to do with your squad. but really the end of this game is worser than it was in rtcw.
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Dino is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 11:41 AM

ALL I know is that the game is FUN!

That's spelled F - U - N ...FUN

And come on people, that's what gaming is all about. People have to realize that this game was not made to be a SIM. It's a video game that is SO MUCH FUN. We can't stop playing.

That's how I feel about.

If you don't like this game. Piss OFF!

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Default 01-24-2002, 04:22 AM

all seems moot if there is no way to purge cheaters. I cant play one hour without some little jerk running around the basement or getting up on some church spire

what is the point?

they dont fix that it will be ruined before it starts
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