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01-25-2002, 03:44 AM
then you rate yourself to high.
i mean come on. a good player in this type of game has the following
1) situational awareness
2) movment/positioning
3) aim
4) knowledge of the map, using it to his benefit
anyone who has played counter-strike type games knows how to do these and do them well.
now what does CPR change? it changes number 3 only. Now the really good players who can split the ball hair of a gnat at 200 yards with a pistol! can now drop you in 2 shots anywhere on the body.
Now this is the last time i explain this.
VIDEO GAMES ARE NOT, CANNOT BE, AND SHOULDNT BE 100% REALISTIC. If reality is so much fun why are you playing video games in the first place? Shouldnt you be out forming a crack commando squad and taking on your local gang?
That said.
The challenge of MoH/Counter-Strike type games is this.
Hitting your target in specific areas of the body. Also, different weapons in these types of games are SUPPOSED to have differing power levels.
Pistols should be weak overall yet effective in close range
sniper/rifles should be slow with not alot of ammo yet be balls on accurate
SMGs are medium powred and should be great at close range, decent at mid range, and horrible at long range. AND, they should get more inaccurate the longer you hold down the trigger.
MGs are similar to SMGs but more powerful and slightly better at long range due to the lage cartridge.
Shotguns are for close range. usually used for rushing.
Rocket launcher, when used correclty either punches holes in a defense or supresses a rush.
Grenades supress a rush and flush enemies.
now if none of you understand any of that. well you once and for all prove to me how much you suck at games. which is fine, just be honest with yourself.
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01-25-2002, 03:47 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
and again i dont care about you or what you think of me you uptight euro piece of trash. i make enough money that i dont give a shit what others think about me either so f off.
my points still stand, you suck at MoH and you dont know shit about how games actually work in regards to the networking.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
madrebel, I'm not wanting to start a flame war or anything, and I probably overstated my opinion, but listen to yourself man. Take it easy and show some humility dude. In this forum, anybody can claim anything about themselves, whether it's about game-playing prowess or how much money they make, etc. So, don't be surprised if no one takes you seriously as a result.
I know you're wanting to say "if you don't believe I'm good, come join my server and I'll kick your arse!!!" Ordinarily, I love accepting a challenge. However, I would have no desire to play someone who is acting like a prick, (trolling and baiting others). That's not cool. Whether I win or lose against you, your behaviour here suggests you will act like an ass about it.
Take it easy. Sorry, if I came across too rude. Peace?
[This message has been edited by Elvite (edited January 25, 2002).]
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01-25-2002, 03:48 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Black Panzer:
Does the saying"ignore it and it will go away" mean anything to anyone ? What kind of an asshole doesn't aim for the chest or head thats what i'm talking about when i use the kar and shoot someone point blank in the chest it aint gonna tickle asshole!!But on servers without cpr they keep charging at me after having my crosshair set dead on their head or center of their chest .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>'if' you have your crosshair 'directly' on their head youre doing it wrong always lead.
but for sake of argument IF you hit someone in the head with ANY gun in this game they WILL die in one shot.
so you either MISSED or didnt hit them in the head.
move along son
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01-25-2002, 03:52 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hellbaby2065:
OK, MadRebel.
Let me put it this way.
Realism = Real life right?
Put an SMG in the hands of a "newbie" in real life.
I guarantee you he/she could kill.
In a CPR mod, a good player will play more conservatively because one shot can kill.
Cover must ALWAYS be used, and you must fall back more often.
It takes absolutely no less skill.
CPR is just more boring in objective/round, because it incites a campfest.
People are so terrified of getting shot at they huddle in a corner and wait for someone to come for them.
Which, in a way, really IS "realism".
It's not like 1 shot ALWAYS kills in CPR, I have been shot twice and lived.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
i never said 1 shot kills. in fact if you had the ability to comprehend words on the screen you would see in the majority of my comparisions i reference 2 shots as being the defacto CPR 'kill' count.
ive been shot more than twice as well by the shotgun and the pistol(he probably only hit me with a few of the 'shots' with each shot from the shotgun heh)
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01-25-2002, 03:57 AM
OK then explain to me the point blank shots to the chest with the kar while the enemy is running up a set of stairs like the ones in stalingrad going up to the blown out section of the building where the three levels are exposed ? I had my mauser at the top of the steps while he was coming up which not only gave me the height advantage but he also didnt notice me till after my second shot when he then proceeded to club me with his pistol. two shots point blank from a weapon that has an effective kill range of 700yds?
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01-25-2002, 03:59 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
in fact if you had the ability to comprehend words on the screen you would see in the majority of my comparisions i reference 2 shots as being the defacto CPR 'kill' count.
No need to become insulting, I can comprehend words on a screen just fine thank you.
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01-25-2002, 04:05 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Black Panzer:
OK then explain to me the point blank shots to the chest with the kar while the enemy is running up a set of stairs like the ones in stalingrad going up to the blown out section of the building where the three levels are exposed ? I had my mauser at the top of the steps while he was coming up which not only gave me the height advantage but he also didnt notice me till after my second shot when he then proceeded to club me with his pistol. two shots point blank from a weapon that has an effective kill range of 700yds?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>you missed man it happens. ive missed many times at close range.....the mauser IS NOT A GOOD CLOSE RANGE WEAPON. it fires slow and its hard to aim.
tip for you.
depending on your ping entirely. ALWAYS shoot in front of(where he is going to if you will) the player.
for instance my ping is usually 20-100. at long range ill lead the length of the crosshair so -|- i will aim *- (picture the * as his head he is moving left to right the - is the lateral left part of the cross hair).
for close range (same as above) i will usually aim more like * -. depending on ping, angle, and movement speed ill aim ahead sometimes as far as an inch or more.
hope that helps. the kar is an awsome weapon whenyou understand how it works and what its strengths are.
oh, aim for the jaw line area, if you score a hit its 50/50 head shot if you miss the head you will probably hit the shoulder/upper chest area.
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01-25-2002, 04:07 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hellbaby2065:
No need to become insulting, I can comprehend words on a screen just fine thank you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
then please dont put words in my mouth thanks.
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01-25-2002, 04:16 AM
Will try it tonight mad , but he was running towards me up the stairs not in a left to right motion might have been a glitch but my crosshair was aim dead on his chest got off 2 rounds and he was still alive.
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01-25-2002, 04:21 AM
such is the internet man. its not perfect heh. i find for some odd reason to never be able to hit the 'easy shots' i dont know what it is. i always kick myself too *long string of curse wors* so stupid easy shot damnit!!!
just keep at it learn the leads for your ping and you will own with the kar.
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01-25-2002, 05:04 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
i think my point has been proven by the original poster.
he said he was an average player who normaly has more deaths than kills.
he plays realism now since he doesnt have to have as much skill(only hit once or twice) he is all the sudden more effective.
bottom line cpr removes alot of skill from the game and unbalances the weapons.
but by all means play it that means the non cpr server will have less no talent newbies on them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
MOst BS i ever heard. Takes no skill is a typical comment from a DM CS quaker player. Stupid stupid stupid
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01-25-2002, 05:06 AM
I don't like the realism mod. Don't particularly like bazookas either, but oh well. Live with it.

01-25-2002, 05:26 AM
Ok - theres NO WAY im going to read through all of your posts. Although I did actually read each of the exchanges between MADA and SIGGI. Fun stuff that actually has me excited about getting back to MOH. Thats right - FRIDAY night and I'm looking forward to an online-game while my counter-parts are out drinking and getting easy sex. GOD THEY SUCK!!!!
In any case - BOTH sides present damn good arguments to the merits of CPR, and non-CPR play style. However, and I cant be arsed to find out who said it, this ISNT a realistic game - and isn't designed as such. That should be accepted by everyone. Noone running, RUNNING, with a bazooka will have the manuverability to not only reload but escape countless weapons firing on them - much less hop their asses out of trouble. But it was coded like that nonetheless. I think MOH has achieved a fairly good game with a basic emphasis on Team-based play. They gave us the keys to the car. We just chose to drive the bastard into a tree.
Which is the problem. You have individuals trying to bring a RAINBOW 6, OPERATION FLASHPOINT realism and game mechanics to a game based on QUAKE 3 - thats just a NO-NO!!!. You're automatically going to come into problems because youre trying to make a game something it is not. When you mod the game as you do - with CPR and such - you take away the intended purpose of the game in the first place. I doubt I'm coming very clear over this computer (almost quittin time, and I can feel my trigger-finger getting itchy), but none of you can truly know the "real-world" mechanics sneccessary to bring such a facet to a game lioke MOH. "REALISM" is a misnomer in itself, expressing some form of unity and predictability to real life events. It doesnt happen that way folks. Sorry. The are a myriad of things that can happen in real-life that a game will not PURPOSELY account for because where is the fun. MOH is at heart a MP game. Bottom line. As such you are going to take hits and still be able to survive. AND walk effeciently into a new room, grab a life pack ff your fallen comrade who didnt survive the ZOOK-attack, and keep on gaming your merry old way. Did any of us complain when MARIO got hit by a fireball from KOOPA and didn't go down from first-degree burns? No. Lol.
And that really is the point - realism to a degree. After a point it becomes a hinderance on a games ability to be the kind of fun and engaging "pop culture" jerk fest that these games are designed for. Truly - if you want ultra-realism in your games, play those that put a premium on it - IL-2 and so on and so forth.
This game is it - to a certain point. And I personally like it as it is.
And MAD - lol, you ARE coming off as an arrogant bastard with no doubt skill - but a bastard nonetheless. SIGGI? - you're coming off as a little stubborn and ignorant by not acknowledging MAD's obvious grasp of the technical side of this argument (trust me - a fool from I.S. read over his post - hes got you there). Both offer damn fine ideas to the contrary, but youre your own worst enemies in getting your points across.
Thus ends my sermon.
(You'd think after 2 hours of reading all this - I'd have more to say...hmmmmm)
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01-25-2002, 06:23 AM
dude everyone knows mario has an asbestos suit!
and i only act like a dick to stupid people(imo of course). siggi in previous posts ive read of his is just an ignorant moron. he talks like he is an authority but in actuality he is twice as dumb as shit. well spoken shit is still shit.
and to the other guy... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>MOst BS i ever heard. Takes no skill is a typical comment from a DM CS quaker player. Stupid stupid stupid<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ilove people that assume shit. i use counter strike as a basis of comparision seeing as the play style is very similar.
my background goes like this
jedi knight 2+ years, tribes 3 years with various other games mixed in. now i play this game, DAoC and a few others. ive player quake3 and very little quake2. played CS some not alot, enough to know the game. Over all ive more hours of tribes than all other games combined. but youre right, im a quaker/CSer.
reread my post on the 9th page fuck head. if you dont understand this game after that then, as i state in the closing line, you really are a no skilled newbie. Again, there isnt anything wrong with sucking, just be honest with yourself.
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01-25-2002, 07:02 AM
I've come across a few like this sap madrebel. They are genuinely unaware of how others perceive them. Indeed, they actually think that others are impressed by their hollow posturing and empty boasts.
But they are entertaining. Watching somebody make a complete prick of himself, day after day, is fun. So long as nobody gets hurt.

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