07-10-2003, 07:44 AM
HAHAH this is classic, I mean truly classic. Cmon guys is that all you got? I mean seriously.......is the best you guys can do is talk about me being banned for spamming? LMAO Get a fucking life lmao hahahaha. Man I am getting a real big kick out of this. Like I have said before I am done dealing with little bitchez such as you guys, and I am not here to fight with you guys, I would just like everyone to shut up and talk about something meaning full, thats all. Now, if you guys are done with your power trip, I would like to get back to the topic at hand here faggotz. Gheesh.
I think if you were going to make a starship troopers skin, you might as well make weapons to go with it. I know it is mroe work doing this but Hey, if you want a piece of pie, might as well take the whole thing right?