p4 2ghz
256 ram
geforce 2 mx400
win xp pro
It runs very chuggy! and i have a fps aroun 20-30 sometimes lower then 20! I feel every frame i move the mouse!!
WHY? i know the geforce is little bit bad, but people that i have been talked to and have the same card say its running very smooth!!! please help me! you are my only hope!
Turn down some of the textures.
Reduce each setting 1 notch lower at a time and see where you get better results!
Why is it if peeps get below 20-25 FPS they think it sucks?
Peoples eyes unless your a fighter pilot do not register anything over 25 fps
------------------ You feel like dying today don't ya?!
Dasher, that is absolutely false. You may have read the test that was done with fighter pilots, but that doesn't mean that a fighter pilot can see more fps than anyone else can. I notice a HUGE difference between 25fps and 90fps.