Hurry up and download it before it goes down. This film was praised by Kevin Smith. Well Just download it because it friggin surprised the hell out of me.
Do not spoil the surprises please, just post responses.
And that film was ass. Batman DIDNT sound like Batman, and The Joker looked like a fucking tool. And AVP2 in Batman - even though it DID happen in the comics - it's still overkill here.
Location: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
07-23-2003, 02:33 PM
Yes any comic fan would know that this is how Batman is supposed to be. It's supposed to be dark, gritty, and believe it or not that is exactly how the Joker should have been played. The movies just didn't follow the comics really except for the characters. Not that the first two weren't good movies. The costume he has is like that for a reason. You don't think they would spend time on the other costumes and give Bats a cheap spandex version do you? Anyway it's just a low budget fanfilm really and turned out pretty well.