My brother bought me the game from Software ETC. When opening the package, I realised the bottom seal was open. I told my brother, he said he asked the clerk and he said it was new. Then I check the CD, and there were scratches on it. Obviously these b*a*s*t*a*r*d*s are burning games for themselves with or without the knowledge of the manager. Dont tolerate this. I am gonna buy my games from the official company from now on if possible. Just be careful. Anyway if this is a boring topic, I am sorry, just wanted to let it out. Thanks
More likely they installed the game in their own PCs. If you're key doesn't work online you'll know for sure.
Confront the manager and tell him your suspicions (He's probably responisble, anyway). Tell him you'd like to register a formal complaint. You might scare him enough to stop, or it might get him to investigate if he's innocent. You never know, he may be aware of other instances.
A manager of our local EB was fired after he was caught pilfering thousands worth of games, consoles, etc.
it is actually store policy at EB, and Software ETC i believe as well, to let the associates take the games home. I was a former employee of EB and we could take any game home off the shelf to test out - why do you think they have a shrink wrap machine in the back as well as the same plastic 'seal' stickers as what ship with games? there is no guarantee that any game you get from there will have been unopened. The policy's fault was of course if you had a burner at home you could pirate the hell out of it but you would be fired upon any knowledge of such actions.
Technically the software is 'new' but it has been opened...
My brother said that when he went to get the game the salesman instead of handing him a copy off the shelf got one from a back room. He also said that he saw a lady trying to wrap a box with a machine thingy. Anyway we went back and the Manager got one off the shelf. Guess what? It was also partially opened and the CD was scratched. The manager said that either someone in his store is burning games or its a Manufacturing fault. Anyway I got a clean fresh copy. Thanks for the support. Next time when buying from a store check the box seals guys. Peace.
Strange...when I went to get mine at WalMart...ALL the boxes seals were broken. I had the woman at the counter open the box and check the contents of the one I grabbed. Everything seemed to be there and there were no scratches on the disk. Hope my cd key is ok.
aye, me and a bunch of friends were fired from EB about a year ago due to some employees soing grimy stuff like that, then they realized the manager was rotten too, so when the new manager came, he fired everyone.