ARKAN I was gonna put your name on there. If you want you can take STRYKER's place - inherit his TON of votes.
And let me be a little more clearer on the PICTURES. It's fine to post links, however only THAT link counts towards the pictures. I'm not counting any links that lead to OTHER pictures, just the ones provided. Just an FYI for those of you whove already submitted.
And lets get started on that FORUM BANNING folks - I wanna see what it takes for Neo Nazis and Skinheads to ban someone. I'm thinking posting Black and Black male lovers going down on each other might be a good start. Just a suggestion. Feel free to use it. Might get an INSTA BAN after one post.
ok, the challenge was just givin right? why are we able to vote for it already? maby we should start voteing next week after the first 2 challenges are done?