Man i ordered MOH:AA off EA store at 7:00 and i havnt got anything xept 1 email. That saids that htey got my order and wil process is as soon as posible. I got taht email this moring i also bust out my piggy bank so i can get the 1 day shipping. But how long is it gona take to ship the dman thing. I want my game TOMMORA!!!!!! cause i got a huge squad practice satrday. is there a way to Speed those peeps over there (they probally work by the hour) how long does it take them??????
yes it is me. My other account was hacked or somthing. Some one figured out my password and started to spam with it. So i told Bad script to delete it.
My account just vanished, POOF gone just like that. I think it was when they rebooted the server to update the threads.
The server came back on-line, and bam I was gone. My other email address is still in the server though, I had to use one of my other accounts to create this one.
Still kind of sucks though.
I pre-ordered mine from EA Store in Novemeber, with "UPS blue" ground shipping.
I got the game on Wednesday afternoon (and the game was released and shipped out on Tuesday).
EA Store has messed up two other orders for me previously though...double charged...and shipped and charged me a second time after I cancelled the order. I was impressed with this purchase tho