Hello. I have a question about mission #5 also. After dispensing with a number of snipers, 2 on roofs that are very difficult to see, I have arrived at a Iron gate. When I hit the "e" key to open it I get a message "find the bazooka team" or something like that. This Iron gate is near a large fire that is burning close by. How do you get thru the gate to the other part of town?
Thanks in Advance.
Blast the gate once you find the bazooka team. The baz team is lying dead in a nearby house so pick up there bazooka.
"It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them." - Mark Twain
Thanks Graverobber! Man I was in that room a half dozen times and never saw that bazooka or ammo on the floor! DOH!
There are 2 on rooftops, a couple in windows, one on a porch thing and one in a damaged building. The ones on the rooftops are away from each other, but I got them from within the same building, one on one side where there are windows and the other on the other wall with windows. They are hard to see. Watch for the muzzle flashes.
Hope this helps.
You've gotta be kidding me...I too was in that room with the Bazooka team lying dead on the floor ateast 6 times and didn't see the bazooka.
Thanks alot for the tip!